
Hypericum patulum cv. hidcote

  • Hidcote
  • Hidcote
  • Hidcote
  • Hidcote
  • Hidcote
  • Hidcote
  • Hidcote
  • Hidcote
  • Hidcote
  • Hidcote
  • Hidcote
  • Hidcote
  • Hidcote
  • Hidcote
  • Hidcote
  • Hidcote
  • Hidcote
  • Hidcote
  • Hidcote
  • Hidcote
  • Hidcote
  • Hidcote
  • Hidcote
  • Hidcote
  • Hidcote
  • Hidcote
  • Hidcote
  • Hidcote
  • Hidcote
  • Hidcote
  • Hidcote
  • Hidcote
  • Hidcote
  • Hidcote
  • Hidcote
  • Hidcote
  • Hidcote
  • Hidcote
  • Hidcote
  • Hidcote
  • Flower name
  • Scientific name
    Hypericum patulum cv. hidcote
  • AliasHypericum Hidcote, Tall St. John's wort, 大輪金糸梅, ヒペリカム, ヒペリカム・パツラム‘ヒドコート’, ヒペリクム, ヒペリカム・ヒドコート, ヒドコート, hidcote
  • Place of originEurope
  • Place of floweringGarden, Botanical Gardens, Park
  • Flowering seasonMay, June, July
  • Language of flowersThe splendor

What is Hidcote

Hidcote (Scientific name: Hypericum patulum cv. Hidcote) is a cold-resistant semi-deciduous shrub of Hypericaceae native to China. The leaves are elliptical in shape, all the edges, green and autumn in autumn. Collect a large number of yellow flowers by extending the divergent inflorescence. The floret is a dense yellow, shiny and full-fledged five-valve flower, and it will be flat. It is similar to the garden cultivar of Hypericum patulum (H.patulum, Kinshibai )> The leaf order is two rows of kinshbyi ,on the other hand Hidcote is attached to Cross Birth. In addition, compared to the quincebird, Hidocote has large petals and strong yellow color of flower color, leaves are also big.

●Hypericum Genus

セイヨウキンシバイ=ヒペリカム・カリシナムビヨウヤナギ(美容柳)タイリンキンシバイ(大輪金糸梅)キンシバイ(金糸梅、学名:Hypericum patulum)トモエソウ(巴草)

upper left: H. calycinum 、upper center; H. chinense var. salicifoliumx、upper right; H. Hidcote)、lower reft:キンシバイ(H. patulum)、lower center: (H. ascyron

Name: Hipericum Hidcote, Scientific name: Hypericum patulum cv. Hidcote, also known as Tall St. John's wort , Hypericum Hidcote,Hidcote, origin: China, distribution: from Hokkaido to Okinawa in Japan, life type: semi-deciduous shrub, height: 50-100 cm, leaf shape: oval shape, leaf color: green → yellow → red Flower color: thick yellow, flower diameter: 5 to 8 cm, flower blooming direction: upward, use: park tree, autumn leaves, autumn leaves, autumn leaves, leaf height: 3-6 cm, flowering period: Garden tree, breeding method: cuttings.

  • Order
  • Family
  • Genus
  • Species
    H. patulum cv. Hidcote
  • Type of flower
    Radial symmetrical flower
  • Array of flower
    Monopetal inflorescence
  • Petal shape
  • Leaf type
  • Edge of the leaf
  • Life typesmall shrub
  • Flower colorsYellow
  • Colors of the leavesGreen
  • Fruit color
  • Height50.0 ~ 100.0 cm
  • Diameter of flower5.0 ~ 8.0 cm

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