Flower DatabaseToday's birth flowerFlower namePersian buttercupLanguage of flowersVery attractiveSearch by seasonsJanFebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctNovDecSearch by photo colorRedPinkBlueBrownGreenPurpleOrangeYellowcreamBlackSilverWhiteList of birth flowersJanFebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctNovDec FeatureNarcissusNarcissus Related Special feature "Narcissus"Strange plantsStrange plants It is gathered the mysterious and strange plants , for example, such as it is thought a tree but is a grass. Flower name : Ombu (Phytolacca dioica), Nesocodon mauritianus, PterostyJanuary White FlowersCamellia japonica, Camellia sasanqua, Prunus mume, and Oshima cherry (Cerasus speciosa) are in bloom, and January may be a good flowering season. As expected, white flowers are abundant even in Januar[Feature] January Pink Flowers[Feature] January Pink Flowers [Feature] A List of Pink Flowers Blooming in January Pink Flowers Representing January Outdoors The plum blossom (Prunus mume) is one of the representative Tropical water lilyTropical water lily,water lily, Mrs. Edward Whittaker, Deep blue Flower Relationship between the size and diameter of tropical water lilies' flowers: [Flower] Small: 4 to 18 cm, medium: 18 to 24 cm, Random flowersDisporum sessile Helichrysum bracteatumOtafukunantenBistorta japonicaTropical Waterlily 'Nymphaea White Colorata' Cattleya trianae|Colombia's national flower