Flower DatabaseToday's birth flowerFlower nameSpearmintLanguage of flowersSearch by seasonsJanFebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctNovDecSearch by photo colorRedPinkBlueBrownGreenPurpleOrangeYellowcreamBlackSilverWhiteList of birth flowersJanFebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctNovDec FeatureFeature: Christmas PlantsFeature: Christmas Plants During the Christmas season, we gather plants with Christmas colors such as the red berries and green leaves of "European Holly," the snow-like image of "Heath Erica," floSucculent plant List of cacti and succulents They store water in their bodies and can survive (for a certain period of time) in harsh environments due to lack of water caused by deserts or poorly cared for growers. January violet FlowersJanuary violet FlowersSpecial features:VioletSpecial features:Violet Viola mandsurica ebicha,Viola grypoceras,Viola chaerophylloides,Sweet violet,Sweet violet 'Kogane',Viola brevistipulata,Ootachitsubo-sumire ,Violet ,Viola 'Misuzu maichidoriBeautiful Flower Illustration Collection by YukiYuki's beautiful flower illustrations Flowers without pictures are illustrated by Yuki, who is the best artist in Kagiken. The reason for making "Yuki's Beautiful Flowers Illustrations When we we Random flowersUmeDaphne odora albaEzo EngosakuPrunus mume 'Tan-un-kyufun'Loropetalum Ophiopogon jaburan