- Flower nameAzalea
- Scientific nameRhododendron simsii
- Aliasオランダツツジ, Azalea, セイヨウツツジ, 西洋ツツジ, Belgian Hybrid Azalea
- Place of originTaiwan improved land (Belgium and Netherlands)
- Place of floweringGarden, Botanical Gardens, Cemetery & Temple, Park, Bonsai, Streets, Planting
- Flowering seasonJanuary, February, March, April, October, November, December
- Language of flowersAbstinence
What is Azalea
Azalea (scientific name: Rhododendron simsii) is a semi cold-resistant evergreen shrub of Tetraceae Azalea bred in Belgium, born in Taiwan. For a long period of autumn to the next spring, white, pink, red or single or double flowers similar to roses (roses) will bloom. Taiwan Satsuki(scientific name: Rhododendron indicum) and Azalea originating from Taiwan are exported to Europe, and it is a gardening variety improved mainly in Belgium and the Netherlands. Those with a high tree height will be as much as 200 cm.
Including Azalea , or Satsuki , Ezo iso Azalea, Therorhodion camtschaticum, Kishi Azalea, Enkianthus perulatus, Rhododendron dilatatum, Macrosepalum, Rhododendron mucronulatum ciliatum, Oomurasaki, Koyasu doudan,There It is.
Common name: Azalea, Scientific name: Rhododendron simsii, aka: Belgian Hybrid Azalea, life type: semi-cold tolerance evergreen shrubs, tree height: 20-200 cm, leaf shape: egg shape, needle shape overlooked, leafy: slightly thick hairy, leaf margin: Flower color: white · peach · red, flower size: from 5 to 8 cm, flower blooming style: single, double flowering Period: From October to the following April, Breeding: cuttings.
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Feature: Azalea
Azalea (scientific name: Rhododendron simsii)