List of Tulip Types

List of Tulip Types

List of Tulip Types.
Tulip (scientific name: Tulipa L.) is a cold-hardy bulbous plant of the lily family, native to Turkey. Here is a collection of pictures of tulip flowers.

砺波チューリップ祭り 砺波チューリップ祭り

Tulips planted outdoors bloom in April, while those grown by forcing cultivation are available from November to June. Each flower blooms singly atop a soft, cup-shaped flower stalk.
The main tulip variety cultivated in Japan is the horticultural species Tulipa gesneriana. Almost 100% of Japan’s tulip production comes from Toyama and Niigata prefectures.

Tulip Classification Codes
Tulip bulb pamphlets often contain abbreviations such as S, D, and L. These generally stand for S: Single, D: Double, E: Early, and L: Late, but many more abbreviations exist. Below is a classification system used in the tulip kingdom, the Netherlands.

Early-flowering varieties
SE (Single Early): Early-blooming, single-flowered
DE (Double Early): Early-blooming, double-flowered
Mid-season varieties
T (Triumph): A hybrid between early and late-blooming single tulips
DH (Darwin Hybrids): A hybrid between single-flowering tulips and wild species
Late-flowering varieties
SL (Single Late): Late-blooming, single-flowered
L (Lily-flowered): Lily-shaped tulips
FR (Fringed): Tulips with fringed petal edges
V (Viridiflora): Tulips with green coloring in the petal center
R (Rembrandt): Mosaic-patterned tulips
P (Parrot): Parrot tulips with deeply cut or twisted petals
DL (Double Late): Late-blooming, double-flowered
Tulip Blooming Period
Early flowering: Late March to mid-April
Mid-season flowering: Mid-April to late April
Late flowering: Late April to early May
Species varieties: Native tulips
Tulip Plant Height
Dwarf: ~10 cm
Short: ~25 cm
Standard: ~40 cm
Tall: ~50 cm
Flower Diameter and Size
Flower Diameter Size Example
5 cm or less Small Mostly species tulips
6–9 cm Medium T, FR
10 cm or more Large DH, P
20 cm or more Extra-large -
Tulip Colors
Red: Red
Pink: Pink
Yellow: Yellow
Orange: Orange
White: White
Purple: Purple
Mixed: Mixed colors
Color-changing: Gradually changes color as it blooms
Tulip Meanings (Flower Language)
General: "Universal love and kindness"
Red: "True love"
White: "New love"
Yellow: "Fame"
Variegated: "Doubtful love"

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Special features:List of Tulip Types

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