List of Tulip Types

List of Tulip Types.
Tulip (scientific name: Tulipa L.) is a cold-hardy bulbous plant of the lily family, native to Turkey. Here is a collection of pictures of tulip flowers.
Tulips planted outdoors bloom in April, while those grown by forcing cultivation are available from November to June. Each flower blooms singly atop a soft, cup-shaped flower stalk.
The main tulip variety cultivated in Japan is the horticultural species Tulipa gesneriana. Almost 100% of Japan’s tulip production comes from Toyama and Niigata prefectures.
Tulip Classification Codes
Tulip bulb pamphlets often contain abbreviations such as S, D, and L. These generally stand for S: Single, D: Double, E: Early, and L: Late, but many more abbreviations exist. Below is a classification system used in the tulip kingdom, the Netherlands.
Early-flowering varieties
SE (Single Early): Early-blooming, single-flowered
DE (Double Early): Early-blooming, double-flowered
Mid-season varieties
T (Triumph): A hybrid between early and late-blooming single tulips
DH (Darwin Hybrids): A hybrid between single-flowering tulips and wild species
Late-flowering varieties
SL (Single Late): Late-blooming, single-flowered
L (Lily-flowered): Lily-shaped tulips
FR (Fringed): Tulips with fringed petal edges
V (Viridiflora): Tulips with green coloring in the petal center
R (Rembrandt): Mosaic-patterned tulips
P (Parrot): Parrot tulips with deeply cut or twisted petals
DL (Double Late): Late-blooming, double-flowered
Tulip Blooming Period
Early flowering: Late March to mid-April
Mid-season flowering: Mid-April to late April
Late flowering: Late April to early May
Species varieties: Native tulips
Tulip Plant Height
Dwarf: ~10 cm
Short: ~25 cm
Standard: ~40 cm
Tall: ~50 cm
Flower Diameter and Size
Flower Diameter Size Example
5 cm or less Small Mostly species tulips
6–9 cm Medium T, FR
10 cm or more Large DH, P
20 cm or more Extra-large -
Tulip Colors
Red: Red
Pink: Pink
Yellow: Yellow
Orange: Orange
White: White
Purple: Purple
Mixed: Mixed colors
Color-changing: Gradually changes color as it blooms
Tulip Meanings (Flower Language)
General: "Universal love and kindness"
Red: "True love"
White: "New love"
Yellow: "Fame"
Variegated: "Doubtful love"
Related pages
Special features:List of Tulip Types