Special Feature: Plant Names Associated with "Amphibians" ポスト Special Feature: Plant Names Associated with "Amphibians"CattailsCattails( Kogama, scientific name: scientific name Typha orientalis L.) is the typha genus aquatic perennial herb. Typhaceae in Japan seen fellow Typha latifolia (Gama ,scientific name:Typha latifoliaTypha angustifolia Typha angustifolia or Hime gama ( scientific name: Typha angustifolia L.) is an aquatic perennial grass in the family Typhaceae native to the temperate zones of the northern hemisphere and Australia iTypha latifoliaTypha latifolia, or Gama , scientific name: Typha latifolia) is an aquatic perennial plant of the family Typhaceae, which is native to the warm regions of the northern hemisphere and Australia in the Other FeaturesSpiraeaThe scientific name of the genus "Spiraea" means "spiral" in Latin. The spiral is related to the spiral shape of the leaves on the branches, which are arranged in a spiral so that they do not overlap.Feature: August purpleflowersFeature: August purpleflowers Purple Flowers Blooming in August There are a total of 262 species of purple flowers that bloom in August (as of August 28, 2024). According to the color-based statisHypericumHypericum-Hypericum patulum, Great St. Johnswort, Hidcote, Hypericum monogynum, Hypericum erectum, Chinense St.John's wort, Hypericum tosaense, Hypericum androsaemum 'Mystic Flare'Botanic Garden of Toyama Flowers at Botanic Garden of Toyama Plants in bloom in the greenhouse on April 30, 2023. There are the Pachypodium brevicaule), Amorphophallus paeoniifolius, Rafflesia arnoldii, Sida fallax,Cool flowerCool flowerInsectivorous Plants ListInsectivorous Plants List Insectivorous plants are plants that capture insects and produce digestive juices that dissolve the insects and grow as nutrients. They include the following Nepenthes ra