family-relationships ポスト For family relationships, flowers with Japanese names such as father, mother, and brother were collected.Plantain leaf pussytoesPlantain leaf pussytoes, scientific name:Antennaria plantaginifolia, is a perennial grass of the genus Antennaria of the Asteroideae department native to North America . Wild grass in the spring, the Anahalis margaritaceaAnahalis margaritacea (scientific name: Anahalis margaritacea) is an alpine perennial in the family Asteraceae native to Japan, China, and North America. It grows on the alpine meadows north of HokkaiGnaphalium affineGnaphalium affine (scientific name:Gnaphalium affine) is a perennial Asteraceae of gnaphalium affine genus of grasses. Leaf has a rosette of basal leaves like dandelion. Spring-in Woods and fields durHypericum erectumHypericum erectum (scientific name: Hypericum erectum) is a perennial herb in the family Hypericaceae, which is native to Japan, the Korean Peninsula and mainland China. It grows naturally by the roadChinense St. John's wortChinense St. John's wort (Scientific name: Hypericum perforatum subsp. chinense) is a perennial herb in the St. John's wort family Hypericaceae , which is native to China. It is a variant of HypericumHypericum tosaenseHypericum tosaense (scientific name: Hypericum tosaense) is a perennial herb of the Hypericaceae family, endemic to Japan. It grows naturally on sand and gravel in the Kinki region of Honshu to ShikokAnaphalis alpicolaAnaphalis alpicola is an alpine plantsof the Asteraceae Department , Anaphalis genus native to wet grassland of Hokkaido in Japan. It lets white blossoms in point of narrow stem bloom in summer. LeaveGnaphalium japonicumGnaphalium japonicum or Chichiko gusa (scientific name: Gnaphalium japonicum) is a small perennial wildflower native to Japan, the Korean Peninsula, and China, and belongs to the family Asteroideae ItPersicaria senticosaPersicaria senticosa or The mamako no shirinugui (scientific name: Persicaria senticosa) is an annual wild grass of the family Polygonaceae, genus Persicaria, native to East Asia including Japan, the Lactarius volemusLactarius volemus or Chichitake (scientific name: Lactarius volemus) is a mushroom of the family Russulaceae. It is characterized by having milky white matter (latex). It is an edible mushroom to be c Other FeaturesAttractive flowerThere is the flower blooming seriously, there is the medicinal herb, and there is the flower becoming fun. We introduce a heart floating floating flower becoming fun here. Angulocaste, Hot Lips, PaphiUme / Plum Photo ListUme / Plum Photo List Plum blossoms, which begin blooming in January, are the pioneering flower that heralds the arrival of spring in a cold garden. Originally from China, ume was introduced to JapaFlowers native to IndiaFlowers native to IndiaFeature: August-yellow-flowersFeature: Yellow Flowers in August There are 214 species of yellow flowers blooming in August (as of August 17, 2024), which is an increase of 9 species compared to last year. Some examples include feSalvia typeSalvia typeーSalvia leucantha, Sage,Blue salvia, Salvia microphylla, Salvia officinalis 'purpurascens', Salvia microphylla ”Hot Lips”,Lavender Sage, Salvia guaranitica, Scarlet sage, Salvia microfila 'Plants and Trees in the Tale of GenjiPlants and Trees of The Tale of Genji At some time or other, a female courtesan was hanging around in a variety of robes,And yet, she is a woman of great poise. (Murasaki Shikibu, original text) I