Feature: flower with airplane in its name ポスト flower with "airplane" in its name Related pages Feature: Flowers with "Airplane" in its nameNemesia KLMNemesia KLM (Scientific name: Nemesia strumosa 'KLM') is a horticultural variety of the non-cold-hardy, deciduous annual plant "Nemesia" (Scientific name: Nemesia strumosa), native to South Africa, an Other FeaturesBlooming in the eveningFlowers that bloom at night Flowers that bloom from evening until the next morning, like flowers that are strongly fragrant at night, are represented by Trichosanthes cucumeroides in the fields, MiraJanuary Red FlowersRed flowers that bloom in January when it is still cold include (1) camellias, (2) greenhouse flowers at botanical gardens, (3) flowers suited to the Japanese climate, and (4) primulas. (1) CamelliSpecial Feature: Plant Names Associated with "Amphibians"Special Feature: Plant Names Associated with "Amphibians"Yellow flowers that bloom in MayA collection of insect-loving yellow flowers that bloom in May. Flowers that don't have a photo on hand will be shown a photo of a fish. Some flowers are almost orange in color, some are multi-coloredHimalayan FlowersHimalayan FlowersJapanese Iris listJapanese Iris list Feature of "Japanese Iris, scientific name: Iris ensata var. Ensata" Japanese Iris or Hana shoubu in Japanese is a part of the Japanese Iris variant which is a species of Iridac