Feature: flower with airplane in its name ポスト flower with "airplane" in its name Related pages Feature: Flowers with "Airplane" in its nameNemesia KLMNemesia KLM (Scientific name: Nemesia strumosa 'KLM') is a horticultural variety of the non-cold-hardy, deciduous annual plant "Nemesia" (Scientific name: Nemesia strumosa), native to South Africa, an Other FeaturesInsectivorous Plants ListInsectivorous Plants List Insectivorous plants are plants that capture insects and produce digestive juices that dissolve the insects and grow as nutrients. They include the following Nepenthes raAllergenAllergen (allergic material) -Wheat, soba, peanut, orange, kiwi fruit, walnut, soybean, banana, matsutake mushroom, peach, yam, apple, sesame, cashew nutJanuary Green FlowersList of Green Flowers in January Few flowers bloom in January, but even fewer are green. Although few, there are some that are blooming in the fields, such as Six-rowed barley(scientific name: HordeuJanuary violet FlowersJanuary violet Flowers Related pages January violet FlowersFeatures Red BerriesFeatures Red Berries We have gathered various red berries. In nature, fruits tend to be round or oval-shaped, and square fruits are rarely seen, which might be due to natural laws. Red, round, and Primula ListPrimula List There are many species of primrose flowers. Here are some representative varieties. Primula sieboldii or Japanese primrose (scientific name: Primula sieboldii) , Cowslip(scientific name: