Japan Grand Prix International Orchid and Flower Show ポスト Japan Grand Prix International Orchid and Flower ShowVanda Trevor-rathbone 'Back panther'Vanda Trevor Rathbone 'Back panther', Scientific name: Vanda Sunray × Vanda Gordon Dillon 'Back panther') is a varieties of "Vanda Trevor Rathbone". "Black Panther" is an exhibit by Mr. Yasunori JimboPaphiopedilum derenatiPaph. Premium Magic 'East River' is one of the gardening varieties of evergreen perennial "Paphiopedilum" of Orchidaceae. Paphiopedilum is an orchid that looks like a carnivorous plant. This is becPaph. Emerald Gate 'Green Globe'Paph. Emerald Gate 'Green Globe' is one of the gardening varieties of evergreen perennial "Paphiopedilum" of Orchidaceae. In this Orchid, the whole flower is shiny yellow, and one backpalm piece is grDendrobium smirie Dendrobium nobile Carnea 'Mari' (Scientific name: Dendorobium nobile fma. Carnea 'Mari') is an perennial orchid of the family Orchidaceae. It is an orchid of dendrobium nobile system. Den. nobile fma.LianpanLianpan (scientific name: Cymbidium goeringii subsp. tortisepalum var. lianpan) is native to China from Taiwan and is a wild orchid of the Orchidaceae family. A pinky flower blooms at the end of the sDendrobium speciosumDendrobium speciosum Common name: Dendrobium speciosum, Scientific name: Dendrobium speciosum, Place of Origin: Australia. Other Features[Feature] Yellow Flowers in January[Feature] Yellow Flowers in January The yellow flowers that bloom in January include: Skunk Cabbage (Zazen-sou), Winter Ginger (Kan-aoi), Chinese Witch Hazel (Shina-mansaku), Winter SweInsectivorous Plants ListInsectivorous Plants List Insectivorous plants are plants that capture insects and produce digestive juices that dissolve the insects and grow as nutrients. They include the following Nepenthes raJapanese seven spring herbsJapanese seven spring herbs Japanese seven spring herbs The seven plants of spring include the following seven species Oenanthe javanica、 Capsella bursa-pastoris、 Gnaphalium affine、 StelAquatic plants and aquatic plantsAquatic plants and aquatic plants There are Salvinia molesta,Nymphoides peltata,Hippuris vulgaris,Oryza sativa,Pistia stratiotes,Rhynchospora,Nuphar subintegerrimum,Hydrocleys nymphoides,Echinodorus p时尚配饰For fashion accessories, It was collected plants with small items such as slippers, bags, shoes, mirrors, etc., rather than large items such as clothes or kimonos.Attractive flowerThere is the flower blooming seriously, there is the medicinal herb, and there is the flower becoming fun. We introduce a heart floating floating flower becoming fun here. Angulocaste, Hot Lips, Paphi