Kind of the persimmon ポスト Kind of the persimmonPersimmon 'Kikuhira'Persimmon 'Kikuhira' ( scientific name: Diospyros kaki 'Kikuhira') is . This is a variety of persimmon (scientific name: Diospyros kaki) . Grown in Itami City, Hyogo Prefecture with imperfect sweet Persimmon 'Fuyu'Persimmon 'Fuyu' (scientific name: Diospyros kaki cv. Fuyu) is Persimmon (scientific name: Diospyros kaki). It is a perfect sweet and the best-selling variety in the supermarket. Made in Gifu PrePersimmon 'kinokawa gaki'Persimmon 'Kinokawa gaki' (scientific name: Diospyros kaki 'kinokawa gaki') is a kind of persimmon (scientific name: Diospyros kaki). It is surprising that the flesh is filled with dark astringency. Persimmon 'Okesa gaki'Persimmon 'Okesa gaki' (scientific name: Diospyros kaki 'kinokawa gaki') is a kind of persimmon (scientific name: Diospyros kaki). It is surprising that the flesh is filled with dark astringency. ThePersimmon treePersimmon tree, scientific name:dispyrs kaki , is native to China and is a deciduous tree of the genus Diospyros ,of the department Ebenaceae. it consists of fruit, as takes a number of years. Summer, Other FeaturesFlower Diary "Plants and Trees of Manyoshu Series"Flowe8r Diary "Plants and Trees of Manyoshu Series"Lilium Oriental GroupLilium Oriental GroupJuly orange flowersFeatured orange flowers blooming in July. List of July orange flower types Carnation,Rudbeckia,Lilium lancifolium,Fushiguro-sennou,Rose,Pincushion,Chrysanthemum morifolium,Lilium maculatum,Star lilyList of sasanquasWhat is Camellia sasanqua? Camellia sasanqua (scientific name: Camellia sasanqua) is an evergreen, broad-leaved, medium-sized tree in the family Camelliaceae. It is similar to the camellia (scientifList of Cherry BlossomsList of Cherry Blossoms Cherry tree (scientific name: Cerasus L.) is the flower to represent spring in Japan. It is a deciduous broad-leaved tree of the Rosaceae family Cerasus genus. It makes 5 dialSeptember pink-colored flowersSeptember pink-colored flowers This is the special feature of pink blossom blooming in September in a garden and a park, a botanical garden, a field, a mountain including cut flowers. Ipomoea nil,