Lilium Oriental Group ポスト Lilium Oriental GroupLilium formosanum Lilium formosanum or takasagoyuri (scientific name:Lilium formosanum) is a hardy bulbous plant native to Taiwan and lets white flowers bloom resembling a Lilium longiflorum (Easter lilies, scientific Oriental-HybridsOriental-Hybrids is native in Japan, Egyptian and other hybrid varieties. Hardy bulbous plant of the lily of lily genus, the large flowers of white and red. Japan native species of Lilium japonicum anOriental Lily Marco PoloOriental Hybrid Group "Marco Polo" Marco Polo (scientific name: Lilium "Marco Polo") is a horticultural variety of lily native to Japan and a hardy bulbous plant of the genus Lilium in the family LilLilyLily (scientific name:Lilium) is a hardy bulbous plants of the genus Lilium native to northern hemisphere. The flowers are popular In Japan and Europe, An oriental hybrid means mating kinds group sucOriental hybrid 'Bergamo'Oriental Hybrid 'Bergamo' (Scientific name: L. O. G. 'Bergamo') is a medium and large size cultivar of the genus Lilium "Oriental Hybrid". Deciduous perennials (bulbs) which were breeded by mating YamCasa blancaCasa Blanca (scientific name: Lilium 'Casa Blanca') is a horticultural variety of the lily family (Liliaceae) called Oriental Hybrid (OHB, Lilium Oriental Group), which is a crossbreeding and breedingLilium Oriental-Hybrids 'Manisa' Lilium Manisa' is a species of perennial Oriental hybrid Lily of the family Liliaceae. , genus Lilium of garden plant. Plant height 100-150 cm and prefer shade, saucer-shaped, flowers cover piece is Lilium EldredLilium Eldred(Lilium Oriental-Hybrids cv. Eldred) is a cold-tolerant deciduous bulbous plant that is bright and clear yellow full-fledged large flowers blooming at the Oriental Hybrid. Common nameNew Easter liliesTriumphator (scientific name: Lilium 'Triumphator') is a cold-resistant and deciduous perennial (bulbous) plant of the family Liliaceae. It is LO Hybrid made from Oriental Hybrid and Longi Florem (Lep Oriental hybrid 'Rimin'Oriental Hybrid 'Rimin' (Scientific name: Lilium Oriental Group cv. Rimin) is a medium and large size cultivar of the genus Lilium "Oriental Hybrid". Deciduous perennials (bulbs) which were breeded byExtra baganzaOriental Lily 'Extra baganza' (scientific name: Lilium cv. Extra baganza) is a horticultural variety and is a cold-tolerant bulbous plant of the genus Lilium in the family Liliaceae. It is a horticulLilium cv. Royal trinityLilium cv. Royal trinity LA hybrid lily 'Royal Trinity' (scientific name: Lilium cv. Royal trinity) is a hybrid cultivar of teppo lily and skashi lily. It is a fast-growing bulbous plant that has o Other FeaturesAustralian flowersAustralian flowersSpanish FlowersSpanish Flowers Spain's national flowers are the carnation (Dianthus caryophyllus), pomegranate (Punica granatum), and orange (Citrus sinensis). The flowers listed here are believed to have originateSeptember red-colored flowersSeptember red-colored flowers There are more than 100 species of red flowers that bloom in September. Flowers do not bloom freely, but bloom for a purpose (to fertilize and produce offspring), so colSpecial Feature: Flower Names Inspired by "Agricultural Products"Special Feature: Flower Names Inspired by "Agricultural Products"Special features:VioletSpecial features:Violet Viola mandsurica ebicha,Viola grypoceras,Viola chaerophylloides,Sweet violet,Sweet violet 'Kogane',Viola brevistipulata,Ootachitsubo-sumire ,Violet ,Viola 'Misuzu maichidoriOctober Blue-colored Flowers【October Blue-colored Flowers】 While there were 38 species of blue flowers in September, the number has decreased to 23 species in October, but there are still some flowers that start blooming in Oct