Vietnam Flowers ポスト Vietnam FlowersCinnamon fernCinnamon fern (scientific name:Osmunda chinnamomea L.), is summer green and perennial ferns of the osmundaceae family in the wild field. 1 times pinnately compound leaves with entire oval lanceolate,Paphiopedilum derenatiPaphiopedilum Delenati, scientific name: Paphiopedilum Delenati, is a Vietnamese native variety of the evergreen perennial plant "Paphiopedilum". From autumn to spring, a flower stem is extended from Coelogyne mooreanaCoelogyne mooreana (scientific name: Coelogyne mooreana) is an ever green perennial plant of the family Orchidaceae, which is native to Vietnam. The Coelogyne family is an established orchid native toBactinokiBactinoki , scientific name:Prunus zippeliana, is a deciduous tree of the rose of Prunus native to Vietnam, China and Japan. In the bright orange-red bark, stand out. It lets five white petaled flowerWater JasmineWater Jasmine(scientific name: Wrightia rerigiosa) is a deciduous shrub of the family Apocynaceae, native to Thailand-Vietnam. The leaves are sharp and pointed. A long flower pattern is stretched fromChiloschistaChiloschista or Chiloschista (scientific name: Chiloschista) is a leafless epiphytic orchid of the family Orchidaceae, native to Vietnam, India, Thailand and Australia. Nourishing photosynthesis with Ulmus parvifoliaUlmus parvifolia, Chinese elm or lacebark elm (Scientific name: Ulmus parvifolia) is a deciduous semi-evergreen tree of the family Ulmaceae, native to China, Taiwan, Japan and other East Asian countriRauvolfia verticillataRauvolfia verticillata is Taiwan, Viet Nam or China Southern Plateau, is a small Evergreen shrub of the oleanders of Hyoscyamus genus. Good branching. In the long oval-shaped leaves are whorled or oppCallicarpa dichotomaCallicarpa dichotoma or Purple Beautyberry , Early Amethyst, or Komurasaki, scientific name:Callicarpa dichotoma , is native to Japan, Taiwan, Viet Nam, China, and a deciduous shrub of the Department Ligustrum sinenseLigustrum sinense or small leaved privet(scientific name: Ligustrum sinense) is a deciduous shrub to small tree native to Taiwan, Malaysia, Vietnam, China, belonging to the family Oleaceae. It is usedChinese star aniseChinese star anise (Scientific name: Illicium verum) is an evergreen tree native to China-Vietnam and belonging to the genus Shiki-mi. In medicinal and spice names, it is called Daii Kiyo (Osu incense Other FeaturesOrange-colored fruitsOrange-fruit Photo or Clipart List Feature orange-fruit Persimmons and citrus fruits come in many varieties, so there will be many. Here is a list of fruits by color from "Kagiken WEB: Fruits ohypericumhypericumDecember Orange BlossomDecember in 2022 This is a collection indication of orange grass flowers (including orange bracts) blooming in December in garden plants, potted plants, indoors, and in greenhouses. December is thHa FlowerThis is a collection of flowers whose Japanese names begin with the letter "ha". Even if the name doesn't start with "ha", it includes the flowers whose alias starts with "ha". Please check the flowerNovember White-colored FlowersNovember White-colored Flowers There are 126 species of white flowers that bloom in November that are listed here. Of these, the flowers that begin blooming in November are Snowdrop (scientific nPollen AllergiesSpecial Feature: Pollen Allergy Plants Responsible for Pollen Allergies and Hay Fever From the "Pollen Allergy Environmental Health Manual by the Ministry of the Environment" Pollen Allergy A