
Rhododendron indicum

  • Satsuki
  • Satsuki
  • Satsuki
  • Satsuki
  • Satsuki
  • Satsuki
  • Flower name
  • Scientific name
    Rhododendron indicum
  • Aliasサツキツツジ, 皐月躑躅, 皐月, Satsuki azalea, Satsuki
  • Place of originJapan
  • Place of floweringGarden, Botanical Gardens, Cemetery & Temple, Park, Bonsai, Streets, Planting
  • Flowering seasonMay, June
  • Language of flowersSaving

What is Satsuki

Satsuki (Scientific name: Rhododendron indicum) is an endemic species of Japan and is a cold-tolerant evergreen shrub of the Ericaceae family. Azalea (scientific name: Rhododendron ferrugineum)
same family and same genus.

The difference between Satsuki and Azalea is determined by the time when new shoots grow out, the flowering time, the size of flowers, and the gloss of leaves. Generally, the beginning of the bloom of Satsuki blooms somewhat later than the azalea, and blooms around May of the lunar year, and is therefore called Satsuki. Satsuki has many twigs, and flowers and leaves are smaller than azaleas. There are some flowers that bloom from the same branch, and they are used for bonsai and hedgerows because they are resistant to cutting.

The satsuki, like the Kirishima azalea (Rhododendron obtusum), is a horticultural variety bred from during the Edo period. Azalea(Rhododendron simsii), Rhododendron (Rhododendron hybrids), Kalmia、, and Erica are also azalea flowers. Each has its own hybrids, which makes them difficult to recognize.

■ Difference between Satsuki and Azalea
Tree height - Satsuki: ~ 1 m, azaleas: 5 to 10 m
Leaf size - Satsuki: Small, Azalea: Large
Leaf length - 2 to 3 cm, Azalea: 5 to 7 cm
Leaf width - Satsuki: 0.5 cm, Azalea: 1.5 cm
Leaf gloss - Satsuki : Yes, Azaleas: None
Leave hardness - Satsuki : Hard, Azalea: Soft
Time of new sprout - Satsuki: New shoots and flowers live together (New shoots and buds appear in May and bloom), Azalea: New shoots and flowers do not live together (after April flowering, new shoots appear in May)
Flower diameter - Satsuki: 3.5 to 5 cm, Azalea: 5 to 7 cm
Flowering period - Satsuki: Late (late May to early June) , Azalea: Early (mid April-mid May)
How to flower - Satsuki: bloom in order, Azaleas: bloom all at once
Branch change - Satsuki: Satsuki: 1 tree with some flower colors, Azaleas: 1 color
Usage-Satsuki - Satsuki: planting of bonsai, hedge, street, Azalea: garden planting

Common name: Satsuki, Scientific name: Rhododendron indicum, aka: Satsuki azalea, Place of Origin: Japan, Tree height: 30 to 100 cm, Leaf shape: Oblate needle shape, Bisexual flower, Weak bilateral flower, Joint crown, Corolla shape: Funnel shape 4-5 splits, Flower diameter: 3.5 to 5 cm, flowering time : May to June, flower color: red, white, peach, double color, flower form: single, double, double, double iris, double color blooming.

  • Order
  • Family
  • Genus
  • Species
    R. indicum
  • Type of flower
    Left-right symmetrical flower
  • Array of flower
    Gross inflorescence
  • Petal shape
    Funnel/trumpet shaped
  • Leaf type
    Inverted lanceolate
  • Edge of the leaf
  • Life typeA hardy Evergreen shrub
  • Flower colorsRed Pink White
  • Colors of the leavesGreen
  • Fruit colorGreen
  • Height30.0 ~ 100.0 cm
  • Diameter of flower3.5 ~ 5.0 cm

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