KibanakoulintampopoHieracium pratensis l ポスト Flower nameKibanakoulintampopoScientific nameHieracium pratensis lAliasPlace of originEuropePlace of floweringFields and footpathsFlowering seasonJune, July, August What is KibanakoulintampopoHieracium pratense (scientific name:Hieracium pratensis l.) is a yellow courintampopo. Please refer to the courintampopo page. General name:Hieracium pratense scientific name:hierahium pratensis L origin: Europe, living type: perennial, height: 30-50 cm, roots raw leaf: spatula-type, leaf margin: entire, inflorescence shape: racemes, Corolla: loquacious flowers, flower color: yellow, flowering: June-August, flower diameter: 1.5-2 cmOrderAsteralesFamilyAsteraceaeGenusHieraciumSpeciesH. aurantiacumType of flowerRadial symmetrical flowerArray of flowerGross inflorescencePetal shapeMulti-petaledLeaf typeSpatula-shapedEdge of the leafEntireLife typePerennial plantFlower colorsYellowColors of the leavesGreenFruit colorGreenHeight30.0 ~ 50.0 cmDiameter of flower1.5 ~ 2.0 cm Random flowersHypericum patulumKoji orangeAlocasia amazonicaClerodendron spekeausamStewartia pseudocamelliaPrunus mume 'Hitoe-kankou'