Zuiunden (florists’ daisy )C.m. cv. zuiunden ポスト Flower nameZuiunden (florists’ daisy )Scientific nameC.m. cv. zuiundenAlias瑞雲殿, 大掴み, Zuiunden, ずいうんでん, 菊, キク, Chrysanthemum morifoliumPlace of originGarden cultivatePlace of floweringPotted flowerFlowering seasonOctober, November What is Zuiunden (florists’ daisy )Florists’ daisy 'Zuiunden' (C.m. cv. Zuiunden)OrderAsteralesFamilyAsteraceaeGenusChrysanthemumSpeciesC. morifoliumType of flowerRadial symmetrical flowerArray of flowerMonopetal inflorescencePetal shapeHead flowerLeaf typePalm shapeEdge of the leafSerratedLife typeCold-resistant Evergreen perennialFlower colorsWhiteColors of the leavesGreenFruit colorHeight60.0 ~ 90.0 cmDiameter of flower20.0 ~ 25.0 cm Random flowersPolygonum filiformeSemiarundinaria fastuosaCeanothus arboreusAmazon sword plantGiant bambooCerasus pseudo-cerasus