- Flower nameArctotis
- Scientific nameArctotis × hybrida
- Aliasベニジオ・アークトチス, Venidio Arctotis, Arctotis, 羽衣菊, アルクトティス
- Place of originSouth Africa
- Place of floweringGarden, Botanical Gardens
- Flowering seasonMarch, April, May, June, July, August
- Language of flowersMemories of younger days
What is Arctotis
Arktotis (Scientific name: Arctotis × Hybrida) is a semiarid cold perennial plant of the family Asteraceae native to South Africa.
From spring to summer, it blooms similar to Gerbera (Scientific name: Gerbera Hybrids).
Generic name: Arctotis, Scientific name: Arctotis × Hybrida , Origin: South Africa, Living type: Semi-cold perennial, Plant height: 30 to 70 cm,Leaf order.Alternate,petiole: Yes, Flower diameter: 7 to 10 cm, Flower color (tongue): Yellow orange, white, peach, red, red, orange -Yellow, flowering stage: March-August.
Many horticultural species are cultivated, and there are the following representative varieties.
-Arctotis acaulis (Latin name::rctotis acaulis): also known as: hymeafricagik, plant height: 20-30 cm, leaf, leaves, flower diameter: 7-10 cm, rayed flowers: orange, white, peach, flower: pale yellow.
- arctotis grandis (Latin name:Arctotis grandis): leaf shape: oblong, serrated: prevalence, plant height: 70 cm, flower diameter: 8 cm, rayed flowers: white yellow orange heads: dark blue.
- arctotis vent (Latin name:Arctotis venusta): plant height: 30 cm, flower diameter: cm, rayed flowers: light blue.
- arctotis hibrida (Latin name:Hybrida Arctotis): garden variety kind of parents is unknown.