Asiatic Hybrids

Lilium× elegans

  • Asiatic Hybrids
  • Asiatic Hybrids
  • Asiatic Hybrids
  • Asiatic Hybrids
  • Flower name
    Asiatic Hybrids
  • Scientific name
    Lilium× elegans
  • Aliasスカシユリ, Asiatic hybrids
  • Place of originJapan other (cultivars)
  • Place of floweringGarden, Horticultural species
  • Flowering seasonMay, June, July, August

What is Asiatic Hybrids

Asiatic Hybrids (AH, scientific name:Lilium × elegans) is a perennial lily which is the type of Liliaceae family , Lilium genus nantive to Japan etc. and cultivars. It is a breeding based on European and Asian species (mainly the production), ezoscaciuly, Lily, Red Riding Hood Orange Lily horticultural varieties. Feature a low height, flowers with vivid colors, flowers bloom upwards, less fragrant, flower diameter is small, many with five or so buds per stem flowers leaves spaced, sick strong Hardy, price is cheaper. In breeds bred on Japan native species of Lilium japonicum Thunb and Egyptian and goldband Lily Oriental Casablanca the representative varieties, on the other hand (OH), higher plant, aromatic, bloom large-flowered landscape and price is more expensive. Flower color is white, pink, red, and yellow. The recently popular varieties include Japanese Easter Lily in Okinawa and longiflorem hybrid modified by multiplying the lilies with trumpet-shaped, such as formosanum (LH) systems available, long and narrow, flowers bloom on its side.LH breeds new Easter lilies and Augusta, Thunder Mountain, etc.

Common name: Asiatic Hybrids Asiatic(AH), scientific name:Lilium × elegans, aka: Lilium maculatum (hybrids), Elegant Lily (elegant Lily), age antique hybrid ( Asiantic Hybrids), origin: Japan other (cultivars), category: Division of lily plant Kingdom Angiosperm monocot of eyes lilies lilies, origin: Japan other (cultivars), living type: perennial herbaceous (plant bulbs), height: 30-100 cm, flowering period: May-August, flower color: Orange, red, pink, white and Brown, Blooming flowers to: single, Yaesu, flower diameter: wheel and flowers: up, AH varieties such as AH parent: it Hauri, ivatury, ezoscaciuly, Lily, mazbauly, Red Riding Hood: enchantment, Connecticut King, San Siro, Mona, use: flower arrangements, garden plant The Lily (Lily bulbs, is Lilium auratum and two landraces).

  • Order
  • Family
  • Genus
  • Species
    L. × elegans
  • Type of flower
    Radial symmetrical flower
  • Array of flower
    Cephalic inflorescence
  • Petal shape
  • Leaf type
  • Edge of the leaf
  • Life typeMulti-year herbs (bulbs)
  • Flower colorsPink Orange
  • Colors of the leavesGreen
  • Fruit color
  • Height30.0 ~ 100.0 cm
  • Diameter of flower8.0 ~ 12.0 cm

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