Garden strawberry

Fragaria × ananassa

  • Garden strawberry
  • Garden strawberry
  • Garden strawberry
  • Garden strawberry
  • Garden strawberry
  • Garden strawberry
  • Garden strawberry
  • Garden strawberry
  • Garden strawberry
  • Garden strawberry
  • Garden strawberry
  • Garden strawberry
  • Garden strawberry
  • Garden strawberry
  • Garden strawberry
  • Garden strawberry
  • Garden strawberry
  • Garden strawberry
  • Garden strawberry
  • Garden strawberry
  • Garden strawberry
  • Garden strawberry
  • Flower name
    Garden strawberry
  • Scientific name
    Fragaria × ananassa
  • Aliasオランダイチゴ, 苺, 和蘭苺, Garden strawberry, ストロベリー, strawberry, pineapple strawberry
  • Place of originSouth America
  • Place of floweringField, Potted flower
  • Flowering seasonJanuary, February, March, April, May, December
  • Language of flowersRespect and love

What is Garden strawberry

Birth flowers for Mar 31

Garden strawberry(学名: Fragaria × ananassa), known in Japanese as "Ichigo" (苺), belong to the genus Fragaria in the family Rosaceae. They are evergreen perennials and are hybrids of Fragaria and ananassa. Although their place of origin is South America, they were introduced to Japan during the Edo period from the Netherlands, which is why they are referred to as "Dutch strawberries" (オランダ苺).

Strawberries propagate by extending runners. Their leaves are oval-shaped with coarse serrations along the edges. From winter to early summer, they produce white, five-petaled flowers. After flowering, the receptacle (floral base) develops into the edible part commonly referred to as the "strawberry." Therefore, what is called a strawberry is actually the receptacle, not the fruit. The small black specks on the surface of the strawberry are true fruits called achenes. Since strawberries are the fruits of a herbaceous plant, not a tree, they are technically classified as vegetables rather than fruits.

The red fruit is beloved for its sweet taste, appealing color, charming shape, and various sizes, making it popular among people of all ages, from children to seasoned adults. Strawberries are rich in vitamin C and anthocyanins, a type of polyphenol with antioxidant properties commonly found in wine. Their soft, sweet, and tangy flesh, combined with a pleasant aroma, makes them suitable for raw consumption or as decorations on shortcakes and other desserts. They are also processed into juices and jams.

Among the popular varieties available in the market for fresh consumption are Amaou, Yutaka no Ka, and Tochiotome. Thanks to breeding advancements and innovative cultivation methods, including the use of greenhouses, strawberries can now be harvested year-round. Additionally, at the beginning of the year, many tourist farms offer "strawberry picking" experiences, where visitors can freely pick and enjoy strawberries.

Etymology of the Flower Name
The genus name Fragaria is derived from the Latin word "fragum," meaning "wild strawberry," while the species epithet "ananassa" means "pineapple."

Common name: Strawberry,
scientific name:Fragaria ananassa Duch,
also known as Fragaria ananassa (Strawberry Dutch), Strawberry (Strawberry), category name Plantae Angiosperm gate dicotyledonous steel Rose first rose of Fragaria ananassa genus, origin: South America, height: 10-25 cm, Flowering period: December-may, flower, white, petal number: 5 pieces, fruit color: Red.

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Garden strawberry(Fragaria × ananassa)

  • Order
  • Family
  • Genus
  • Species
    F. × ananassa
  • Type of flower
    Radial symmetrical flower
  • Array of flower
    2 inflorescences
  • Petal shape
  • Leaf type
    3-fold compound leaf
  • Edge of the leaf
  • Life typeEvergreen perennial
  • Flower colorsWhite
  • Colors of the leavesGreen
  • Fruit colorRed
  • Height10.0 ~ 25.0 cm
  • Diameter of flower2.5 ~ 3.0 cm

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