Artemisia princeps
- Flower nameArtemisia princeps
- Scientific nameArtemisia princeps
- Aliasモチグサ, モグサ, yomogi, Japanese mugwort, 蓬生, よもぎう, 蓬
- Place of originJapan
- Place of floweringFields and footpaths
- Flowering seasonAugust, September, October
What is Artemisia princeps
Artemisia princeps, or Japanese mugwort (scientific name: Artemisia indica var. maximowiczii,) is a cold-resistant evergreen perennial herb in the genus Artemisiaof the Asteraceae family. It grows wild along footpaths and in mountainous areas throughout Japan. The white hairs on the underside of the leaves are collected and used for moxibustion or to make grass cakes. Like Canada goldenrod, scientific name:Solidago altissima, it secretes a substance called allelopathy, which inhibits the germination of other plants, from its underground stem. Pollen is dispersed from summer to autumn, and like ragweed, it is a causative plant of autumn hay fever, so allergy sufferers should be careful to stay away from the plant.
Common name: Artemisia princeps, scientific name: Artemisia indica var. maximowiczii, aka: Japanese mugwort or mugwort, Place of origin: Japan, Habitat: footpaths and fields, Form: Perennial herb, Height: 50-100 cm, Leaf length: 8 cm, Leaf width: 4 cm, Leaf shape: pinnate compound leaf, Phyllotaxy: alternate, Flowering season: August - October, Inflorescence form: conical, Flower color: light brown, Corolla form: head flower consisting of tubular flowers, Flower diameter: 0.15 cm, Fruit type: thin fruit Uses: young shoots are used as a vegetable, moxa, and herbal medicine; pollen dispersal period: August to October.