Saiko no shigure (florists’ daisy)C. m. cv. saiko no shigure ポスト Flower nameSaiko no shigure (florists’ daisy)Scientific nameC. m. cv. saiko no shigureAliasPlace of originPlace of floweringGarden, Cut flowers, flower arrangement, Botanical Gardens, Cemetery & Temple, Bonsai, Potted flowerFlowering seasonOctober, November What is Saiko no shigure (florists’ daisy)Forists’ daisy 'Saiko no shigure' (Chrysanthemum morifolium cv. Saiko no shigure) , kudamono(tubler), Flower color (petal color): yellow.OrderAsteralesFamilyAsteraceaeGenusChrysanthemumSpeciesC. morifolium cv. CommodoreType of flowerRadial symmetrical flowerArray of flowerMonopetal inflorescencePetal shapeHead flowerLeaf typePalm shapeEdge of the leafSerratedLife typeCold-resistant Evergreen perennialFlower colorsYellowColors of the leavesGreenFruit colorHeight100.0 ~ 200.0 cmDiameter of flower18.0 ~ 20.0 cm Random flowersHelianthus tuberosusSyzygium smithiiTamazaki FujibakamaCallicarpa dichotomaCerasus 'Karabashi'Senecio pseudoarnica