C.m. Saiko sanshi (florists’ daisy )C.m. cv. saiko sanshi ポスト Flower nameC.m. Saiko sanshi (florists’ daisy )Scientific nameC.m. cv. saiko sanshiAlias菊, 彩胡三枝, 大菊, キク, saiko sanshiPlace of originGarden cultivatePlace of floweringPotted flowerFlowering seasonOctober, November What is C.m. Saiko sanshi (florists’ daisy )Saiko sanshi (C.m. cv. Saiko sanshi) 管物、細、橙色&黄色 Kanmono (tuber), petal: thin, petal color (flower color): orange & yellow C.m: Chrysanthemum morifoliumOrderAsteralesFamilyAsteraceaeGenusChrysanthemumSpeciesC. morifoliumType of flowerRadial symmetrical flowerArray of flowerMonopetal inflorescencePetal shapeHead flowerLeaf typePalm shapeEdge of the leafSerratedLife typeCold-resistant Evergreen perennialFlower colorsOrangeColors of the leavesGreenFruit colorHeight100.0 ~ 200.0 cmDiameter of flower18.0 ~ 20.0 cm Random flowersJapanese lady bell Geleznowia verrucosaPeaApple treeMexican shrimp plantRhododendron taquetii