Sengou kourin (florists’ daisy)C. m. cv. sengou kourin ポスト Flower nameSengou kourin (florists’ daisy)Scientific nameC. m. cv. sengou kourinAliassengou kourin, 菊, 泉郷光輪, キク, きく, 大菊, Chrysanthemum morifoliumPlace of originGarden cultivatePlace of floweringGarden, Cut flowers, flower arrangement, Botanical Gardens, Horticultural species, Potted flowerFlowering seasonOctober, November What is Sengou kourin (florists’ daisy)Florists’ daisy 'Sengou kourin ' (scientific name: Chrysanthemum morifolium cv. Sengou kourin) Large chrysanthemum, Kanmono(tuber), narrow tube, classic chrysanthemum, autumn chrysanthemum, flower color: orange & light orange, flower diameter: 18-25 cm, plant height: 60-90 cm, natural flowering period: October -November.OrderAsteralesFamilyAsteraceaeGenusChrysanthemumSpeciesC. morifoliumType of flowerRadial symmetrical flowerArray of flowerMonopetal inflorescencePetal shapeHead flowerLeaf typePalm shapeEdge of the leafSerratedLife typeCold-resistant Evergreen perennialFlower colorsYellowColors of the leavesGreenFruit colorHeight60.0 ~ 90.0 cmDiameter of flower18.0 ~ 25.0 cm Random flowersMetrosideros polymorphaGolden Shower TreeAngelonia serena 'purple stripe'Breynia androgynaMenyanthes trifoliataElaeagnus