Sanyo BenimusumeC.m. sanyo benimusume ポスト Flower nameSanyo BenimusumeScientific nameC.m. sanyo benimusumeAlias菊, キク, 山陽紅娘, sanyo benimusumePlace of originGarden cultivatePlace of floweringPotted flowerFlowering seasonOctober, November What is Sanyo BenimusumeSanyo Benimusume (scientific name: C.m. Sanyo Benimusume) Kanmono(tuber),petal width: fine, petal color: red violet.OrderAsteralesFamilyAsteraceaeGenusChrysanthemumSpeciesC. morifoliumType of flowerRadial symmetrical flowerArray of flowerMonopetal inflorescencePetal shapeHead flowerLeaf typePalm shapeEdge of the leafSerratedLife typeCold-resistant Evergreen perennialFlower colorsRed Pink PurpleColors of the leavesGreenFruit colorHeight100.0 ~ 200.0 cmDiameter of flower18.0 ~ 20.0 cm Random flowersZea mays subsp. mexicanaBuddleja Camellia 'Syun-syokkou'Euphorbia cyathophoraFennelOregano