CaladiumCaladium x hortulanam ポスト Flower nameCaladiumScientific nameCaladium x hortulanamAliasCaladium, ハイモ, 葉芋, ニシキイモ, 錦芋, カラディウム, カラジュームPlace of originPlace of floweringPotted flowerFlowering seasonApril, May, June, July, August What is CaladiumCaladium , scientific name: Caladium x hortulanam Common name:Caladium Scientific name: Caladium x hortulanam OrderAlismatalesFamilyAraceaeGenusCaladiumSpeciesC. x hortulanamType of flowerRadial symmetrical flowerArray of flowerFleshy inflorescencePetal shapewithoutLeaf typeheart-shapedEdge of the leafEntireLife typeFlower colorsColors of the leavesGreenFruit colorGreenHeight10.0 ~ 30.0 cmDiameter of flower5.0 ~ 10.0 cm Random flowersLeptochilus pothifoliusGrewia occidentalisChayoteJapanese Iris 'Chitose'Camellia sasanqua haru-sasanqua 'Hanachirusato'Medinilla magnifica