Ebine 'Orihime' Calanthe discolor cv. akano kagayaki ポスト Flower nameEbine 'Orihime' Scientific nameCalanthe discolor cv. akano kagayakiAliasPlace of originJapan (cultivars)Place of floweringFlowering seasonMarch, April What is Ebine 'Orihime' Ebine 'Orihime' , scientific name:Calanthe discolor cv.Orihime, is a perennial plant of the orchidaceae department of calanthe genus native to Japan. OrderAsparagalesFamilyOrchidaceaeGenusCalantheSpeciesC. discolor cv.OrihimeType of flowerLeft-right symmetrical flowerArray of flowerGross inflorescencePetal shapeOrchid shapeLeaf typeoblongEdge of the leafEntireLife typeperennial plantFlower colorsRedColors of the leavesGreenFruit colorGreenHeight20.0 ~ 60.0 cmDiameter of flower1.0 ~ 2.0 cm Random flowersRose Princess of WalesArrow-leaf VioletCobweb houseleekActinidia argutaZucchiniSnowflake