Ebine 'Orihime' Calanthe discolor cv. orihime ポスト Flower nameEbine 'Orihime' Scientific nameCalanthe discolor cv. orihimeAliasエビネ, 織姫, OrihimePlace of originJapan (cultivars)Place of floweringGreenhouse, Horticultural speciesFlowering seasonApril, May What is Ebine 'Orihime' Ebine 'Orihime' , scientific name:Calanthe discolor cv.Orihime, is a perennial plant of the orchidaceae department of calanthe genus native to Japan. OrderAsparagalesFamilyOrchidaceaeGenusCalantheSpeciesC. discolor cv.OrihimeType of flowerLeft-right symmetrical flowerArray of flowerGross inflorescencePetal shapeOrchid shapeLeaf typeoblongEdge of the leafEntireLife typeperennial plantFlower colorsPurpleColors of the leavesGreenFruit colorGreenHeight20.0 ~ 60.0 cmDiameter of flower1.0 ~ 2.0 cm Random flowersRose Princess of WalesArrow-leaf VioletCobweb houseleekActinidia argutaZucchiniSnowflake