Camellia Kocho wabisukeCamellia japonica cv.kocho wabisuke ポスト Camellia cultivarsFlower nameCamellia Kocho wabisukeScientific nameCamellia japonica cv.kocho wabisukeAliasツバキ コチョウワビスケ, kocho wabisuke, 胡蝶侘助Place of originJapanPlace of floweringGarden, Botanical Gardens, ParkFlowering seasonMarch What is Camellia Kocho wabisukeCamellia Kocho wabisuke, scientific name:Camellia japonica cv. Kocho wabisuke, is a camellia garden varieties. Common name: Camellia Kocho wabisuke, scientific name:Camellia japonica cv. Kocho wabiske, Camellia garden variety.OrderEricalesFamilyTheaceaeGenusCamelliaSpeciesC. japonicaType of flowerRadial symmetrical flowerArray of flowerMonopetal inflorescencePetal shapeRose-shapedLeaf typeInverted ovoidEdge of the leafSerratedLife typeEvergreen shrub and treeFlower colorsOtherColors of the leavesGreenFruit colorHeight500.0 ~ 1000.0 cmDiameter of flower3.0 ~ 15.0 cm Random flowersPapayaDesmodiumRoza 'Awayuki’Actinidia argutaLiatris Rhododendron makinoi