Camellia NioibeniCamellia japonica cv. nioibeni ポスト Camellia cultivarsFlower nameCamellia NioibeniScientific nameCamellia japonica cv. nioibeniAlias匂紅, ツバキ, 椿, Camellia, NioibeniPlace of originJapanPlace of floweringFlowering season What is Camellia NioibeniCamellia Nieubeni , scientific name: Camellia japonica cv. Nioibeni , is of the higo Camellia cultivars.It is a bud variation class of 'Nioi fubuki'. Common name: Camellia Nioibeni, scientific name: Camellia japonica cv. Nioibeni, Camellia cultivars, pink, single bloom, open flat, large-flowered (flower size: 9-12 cm), plum core, fragrance , the flowering: MarchOrderEricalesFamilyTheaceaeGenusCamelliaSpeciesC. japonicaType of flowerRadial symmetrical flowerArray of flowerMonopetal inflorescencePetal shapeRose-shapedLeaf typeInverted ovoidEdge of the leafSerratedLife typeEvergreen shrub and treeFlower colorsPinkColors of the leavesGreenFruit colorGreenHeight500.0 ~ 1000.0 cmDiameter of flower3.0 ~ 15.0 cm Random flowersJapanese SpindleMyrtle spurgeVeronica onoeiWinter wheatAeschynanthus pulcherColluna vulgaris