Camellia shigurenotakiCamellia japonica cv. shigurenotaki ポスト Camellia cultivarsFlower nameCamellia shigurenotakiScientific nameCamellia japonica cv. shigurenotakiAliasツバキ, 椿, Shigurenotaki, 時雨の滝, シグレノタキPlace of originJapanPlace of floweringGardenFlowering season What is Camellia shigurenotakiTsubaki Sigurenotaki , scientific name: Camellia japonica cv. shigurenotaki, red vertically variegated white, midium, single‐petaled(blooming in single) OrderEricalesFamilyTheaceaeGenusCamelliaSpeciesC. japonicaType of flowerRadial symmetrical flowerArray of flowerCluster inflorescencePetal shapeRose-shapedLeaf typeArrowhead shapeEdge of the leafSerratedLife typeEvergreen treeFlower colorsWhiteColors of the leavesGreenFruit colorGreenHeight500.0 ~ 1000.0 cmDiameter of flower5.0 ~ 8.0 cm Random flowersJapanese lady bell Geleznowia verrucosaPeaApple treeMexican shrimp plantRhododendron taquetii