Camellia NioibeniCamellia sasanqua 'Shin azuma nishiki" ポスト Camellia cultivarsFlower nameCamellia NioibeniScientific nameCamellia sasanqua 'Shin azuma nishiki"Aliasazuma nishiki, サザンカPlace of originJapanPlace of floweringGardenFlowering seasonJanuary, December What is Camellia NioibeniCamellia sasanqua 'Shin azuma nishiki' , scientific name: :Camellia sasanqua cv. Shin azuma nishikii , is of the higo Camellia sasanqua cultivars. Common name: Camellia Shin azuma nishiki, scientific name: :Camellia sasanqua cv. Shin azuma nishikii, Camellia sasanqua cultivars, pink, single bloom, open flat, large-flowered (flower size: 10-12 cm), plum core,leaf shape : oblong.OrderEricalesFamilyTheaceaeGenusCamelliaSpeciesC.sasanquaType of flowerRadial symmetrical flowerArray of flowerMonopetal inflorescencePetal shapeRose-shapedLeaf typeInverted ovoidEdge of the leafSerratedLife typeEvergreen shrub and treeFlower colorsRedColors of the leavesGreenFruit colorHeight500.0 ~ 1000.0 cmDiameter of flower3.0 ~ 15.0 cm Random flowersAmmi majuslex macropodaJapanese Iris ’Shichifukujin'Aphelandra DaniaEuphorbia sieboldianaCerasus 'Karabashi'