Catharanthus roseus

Catharanthus roseus

  • Catharanthus roseus
  • Catharanthus roseus
  • Catharanthus roseus
  • Catharanthus roseus
  • Catharanthus roseus
  • Catharanthus roseus
  • Catharanthus roseus
  • Catharanthus roseus
  • Catharanthus roseus
  • Catharanthus roseus
  • Catharanthus roseus
  • Catharanthus roseus
  • Catharanthus roseus
  • Catharanthus roseus
  • Catharanthus roseus
  • Catharanthus roseus
  • Flower name
    Catharanthus roseus
  • Scientific name
    Catharanthus roseus
  • Aliasニチニチカ, 日々草, 日々花, Madagascar periwinkle, rosy periwinkle
  • Place of originMadagascar
  • Place of floweringGarden, Park, Potted flower
  • Flowering seasonJuly, August, September, October

What is Catharanthus roseus

Catharanthus roseus, Madagascar Periwinkle, periwinkle or rosy periwinkle (scientific name: Catharanthus roseus) is an annual herbaceous plant in the family Oleander native to Madagascar. It is a short, low-growing plant found in family gardens and flowerbeds from summer to autumn. The leaves are oval with distinct white veins longitudinally in the center. It produces a series of round, five-petaled flowers. As it is a member of the oleander family, all plants are poisonous.

Common name: Catharanthus roseus, scientific name: Catharanthus roseus, also known as sunflower, Madagascar Periwinkle, Periwinkle, rosy periwinkle, Place of origin: Madagascar, Type of life: annuals, height: 30-50 cm, Leaf shape: oblong, leaf color: green. Leaf margin: full margin, leaf inflorescence: crossed-paired, radial homologous flowers, Flower shape: tubular, high cup shape with 5 deep lobes at the tip, diameter 4-5 cm
Flowering season: July to October, Flower colors: white, peach, red, reddish purple and purple, Number of petals: 5, diameter: 3-4 cm, fruit type: capped, fruit type: berry, Use: Garden and potted plants.

  • Order
  • Family
  • Genus
    Catharanthus roseus
  • Species
    C. roseus
  • Type of flower
    Radial symmetrical flower
  • Array of flower
    Monopetal inflorescence
  • Petal shape
    High cup-shaped
  • Leaf type
  • Edge of the leaf
  • Life type annual herbaceous plant
  • Flower colorsRed Pink Purple White
  • Colors of the leavesGreen
  • Fruit color
  • Height30.0 ~ 50.0 cm
  • Diameter of flower4.0 ~ 5.0 cm

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