Daphne odora albaDaphne odora f. alba ポスト Flower nameDaphne odora albaScientific nameDaphne odora f. albaAlias白花沈丁花, ジンチョウゲPlace of originGarden varietyPlace of floweringGarden, Horticultural speciesFlowering seasonMarch, April What is Daphne odora albaBirth flowers for Feb 10, Dec 15White Daphne , scientific name: Daphne odora f. alba , is a horticultural varieties of the flower white Daphne. More of Daphne, please refer to Daphne, scientific name:Daphne odora. Common name: White Daphne scientific name: Daphne odora f. albaOrderMalvalesFamilyThymelaeaceaeGenusDaphneSpeciesD. f. albaType of flowerRadial symmetrical flowerArray of flowerSpikelet inflorescencePetal shapeTubularLeaf typeoblongEdge of the leafEntireLife typeA hardy evergreen shrubFlower colorsWhite Colors of the leavesGreenFruit colorGreenHeight50.0 ~ 150.0 cmDiameter of flower0.8 ~ 1.0 cm Random flowersZea mays subsp. mexicanaBuddleja Camellia 'Syun-syokkou'Euphorbia cyathophoraFennelOregano