Datura tatula

Datura tatula

  • Datura tatula
  • Datura tatula
  • Datura tatula
  • Datura tatula
  • Datura tatula
  • Datura tatula
  • Datura tatula
  • Datura tatula
  • Datura tatula
  • Datura tatula
  • Flower name
    Datura tatula
  • Scientific name
    Datura tatula
  • Aliasチョウセンアサガオ, Datura, 朝鮮朝顔, ダツラ
  • Place of originMexico
  • Place of floweringFields and footpaths, Garden, Botanical Gardens
  • Flowering seasonMay, June, July, August, September
  • Language of flowers"Love and respect"

What is Datura tatula

Birth flowers for Oct 23

Datura tatula, scientific name:Datura stramonium var. tatula、Datura tatula, the band, is the year of herbaceous plant of the nightshade, Department of datura (datura spp.) native to tropical Asia, America and India. Alias datura, funnel-shaped flowers bloom up. Hanaoka, Seishu in late Edo period Japan first anaesthesia and surgery, when used as an anesthetic agent is known. Seeds of flowers after the bites, contains tiny black seeds inside. All grass, flowers, stems, leaves and seeds contained herbal ingredients, depending on the amount of poison. Like flowers, Brugmansia, similar to each other. Herb datura known as Angel trumpet tree (Angel's trumpet tree) Brugmansia = Grove Korean morning glory = datura, Woody. Another genus of flowers as a Brugmansia tree is also called as trumpet-shaped flowers bloom in the drop-down.

Common name: datura , scientific name:Datura, aka: datura , Origin: tropical America, India and tropical Asia, living type: 1 year-or perennial herbs, plant height: 80-100 cm, flowers: upword blooming, single,double, flower color:white, purple, yellow, flower diameter: 15 - 40 cm, fruit shape: round-elliptical, remarks: toxic.

  • Order
  • Family
  • Genus
  • Species
    D. tatula
  • Type of flower
    Radial symmetrical flower
  • Array of flower
    Monopetal inflorescence
  • Petal shape
    Funnel/trumpet shaped
  • Leaf type
  • Edge of the leaf
  • Life typeperennial herbs
  • Flower colorsYellow White
  • Colors of the leavesGreen
  • Fruit color
  • Height80.0 ~ 100.0 cm
  • Diameter of flower15.0 ~ 40.0 cm

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