Dianthus barbaltusDianthus barbaltus "hana-hana" ポスト Flower nameDianthus barbaltusScientific nameDianthus barbaltus "hana-hana"Aliasナデシコ, 花はな, 矮性撫子Place of origingardening variety (Eurasia)Place of floweringGarden, Botanical Gardens, Potted flowerFlowering seasonMarch, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, NovemberLanguage of flowersBrave What is Dianthus barbaltusNadeshiko 'Hana hana' (Scientific name: Dianthus barbaltus "Hana-hana") is a super-fertile, seasonal flowering gardening variety of Dianthus barbatus (Bijonadeshiko, scientific name: Dianthus barbaltus) which is an Eurasian continent native, and is a cold-resistant perennial plant of the family Caryophyllaceae. The plant height is only about 10 cm, but the flowers are large and rich in flower color. Flowers bloom from early spring to late fall. Common name: Nadeshiko 'Hana hana', Scientific name: Dianthus barbaltus "Hana-hana", Origin: Horticulture variety (Europe), plant height: 5 to 10 cm, flower color: white, red, red and dark, peach, orange, purple, black, compound wheel, flower diameter: 2 to 3 cm, flowering period: March to November, use: garden Planting, potting, containers.OrderCaryophyllalesFamilyCaryophyllaceaeGenusDianthusSpeciesD. barbaltus "Hana-hana"Type of flowerRadial symmetrical flowerArray of flowerCluster inflorescencePetal shapeFive-petalLeaf typeLinearEdge of the leafEntireLife type cold tolerant perennial plant Flower colorsPinkColors of the leavesGreenFruit colorGreenHeight5.0 ~ 10.0 cmDiameter of flower2.0 ~ 3.0 cm Random flowersChimonanthus praecoxFortune OsmanthuTulip Blue DiamondCamellia HanadaijinRhapis humilisPaeonia japonica