Encephalartos manikensis

Encephalartos manikensis

  • Encephalartos manikensis
  • Encephalartos manikensis
  • Encephalartos manikensis
  • Encephalartos manikensis
  • Encephalartos manikensis
  • Encephalartos manikensis
  • Flower name
    Encephalartos manikensis
  • Scientific name
    Encephalartos manikensis
  • Aliasオニソテツマニケンシス, Encephalartos manikensis, Gorongowe cycad, Manica cycad
  • Place of originCentral Africa in Zimbabwe and Mozambique
  • Place of floweringGreenhouse, Overseas, Specific area
  • Flowering seasonAugust

What is Encephalartos manikensis

Encephalartos manikensis is a medium-sized cycad species belonging to the Zamiaceae family and the Encephalartos genus, endemic to central Africa, specifically Zimbabwe and Mozambique. It thrives near the border of these two countries, preferring ample sunlight, moisture, and well-drained soil.

The plant has a thick, straight trunk formed by a bundle of short petioles, which grows to a height of 1–2 meters. Its leaves are dark green and pinnate, with a length of 1–2 meters and spiny leaflets.

Encephalartos manikensis is dioecious, meaning it has separate male and female plants. The male plants produce green spherical cones, while the female plants produce yellowish-green conical cones. The cones are green, long, and ovate, and cluster at the tips of the stems.

Origin of the Name
The genus name "Encephalartos" comes from the Greek words "en" (within), "kephali" (head), and "artos" (bread). The species name "manikensis" is derived from the Manica district, where the plant is found.

Related Species
A related species is Encephalartos transvenosus.

General Information

Common Name: Encephalartos manikensis
Scientific Name: Encephalartos manikensis
English Names: Gorongowe cycad, Manica cycad
Other Names: Rhodesian cycad, Manica cycad
Classification: Plantae, Gymnospermae, Cycadopsida, Cycadales, Zamiaceae, Encephalartos
Native to: Central Africa, Zimbabwe, and Mozambique
Habitat: Tropical rainforest
Life Form: Medium-sized cycad
Dioecious: Yes
Trunk Height: 1–2 m
Trunk Diameter: 30–35 cm
Leaf Length: 1–2 m
Leaf Arrangement: Pinnate
Leaf Color: Dark green
Flower Color: Yellow, fragrant
Male Cones: Green, spherical

Related pages
Encephalartos manikensis

  • Order
  • Family
  • Genus
  • Species
    E. manikensis
  • Type of flower
  • Array of flower
    Cone / Compound inflorescence
  • Petal shape
  • Leaf type
    Pinnate compound leaf
  • Edge of the leaf
  • Life typemedium-sized cycad
  • Flower colorsGreen Yellow
  • Colors of the leavesGreen
  • Fruit colorGreen
  • Height100.0 ~ 200.0 cm
  • Diameter of flower7.0 ~ 15.0 cm

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