Eucalyptus cinerea

Eucalyptus cinerea

Koala's Favorite

  • Eucalyptus cinerea
  • Eucalyptus cinerea
  • Eucalyptus cinerea
  • Eucalyptus cinerea
  • Eucalyptus cinerea
  • Eucalyptus cinerea
  • Flower name
    Eucalyptus cinerea
  • Scientific name
    Eucalyptus cinerea
  • Aliasユーカリジュ, Eucaly, ユーカリ シネレア
  • Place of originAustralia
  • Place of floweringGarden, Cut flowers, flower arrangement, Horticultural species, Specific area
  • Flowering seasonJanuary, February, March, April, May, November, December

What is Eucalyptus cinerea

Eucalyptus cinerea, commonly known as the Silver Dollar Tree, is a species of eucalyptus notable for its aromatic, silver-gray leaves that shine beautifully when exposed to light. The leaves are somewhat large and round when young, which is why it is also referred to as silver-leaf stringybark, argyle apple, and mealy stringbark in English.

Common Name: Eucalyptus cinerea
Scientific Name: Eucalyptus cinerea
Aka:Silver Dollar Tree, Silver-Leaf Stringybark, Argyle Apple, Mealy Stringbark
Family: Myrtaceae (Myrtle family)
Origin: Australia
Growth Form: Evergreen tree, fast-growing
Height: 15–30 meters
Width: 6–12 meters
Leaf Petiole: Present
Leaf Quality: Non-glossy
Leaf Shape: Oval to lanceolate
Leaf Length: 6–10 cm
Leaf Width: 2 cm
Leaf Color: Silver, Green, White
Leaf Arrangement: Alternate (in mature trees)
Flowering Period: November to May of the following year
Flower Cluster Diameter: Umbel
Number of Flowers per Cluster: 3
Flower Color: White
Flower Diameter: 0.5 cm
Uses: Garden planting, shade tree, symbol tree, cut flowers, eucalyptus oil

  • Order
  • Family
  • Genus
  • Species
    E. cinerea
  • Type of flower
    Radial symmetrical flower
  • Array of flower
  • Petal shape
  • Leaf type
  • Edge of the leaf
  • Life typeEvergreen trees
  • Flower colorsWhite
  • Colors of the leavesGreen Silver White
  • Fruit color
  • Height500.0 ~ 3000.0 cm
  • Diameter of flower0.5 ~ 1.0 cm

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