Grevillea banksii
- Flower nameGrevillea banksii
- Scientific nameGrevillea banksii
- Aliasグレビレア, ハゴロモノマツ, ベニバナハゴロモノキ, Red silky oak, レッド・シルキィ・オーク, Grevillea, 紅花羽衣の木, 羽衣の松, Grevillea banksii
- Place of originAustralia - New Caledonia
- Place of floweringCut flowers, flower arrangement, Botanical Gardens, Potted flower
- Flowering seasonJanuary, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December
- Language of flowersWaiting for you
What is Grevillea banksii
Grevillea: A Unique Plant Native to Australia
Grevillea (Grevillea banksii) is a semi-hardy evergreen shrub or small tree from the family Proteaceae, native to Australia and New Caledonia.
It is also known by other names such as "Grevillea," "Hagoromo no Matsu" (羽衣の松), "Benibana Hagoromo no Ki" (紅花羽衣の木), and "Red Silky Oak."
The tree varies in height from 20 cm to 10 m.
Its leaves are green, deeply lobed, and resemble pine needles, taking on a linear to needle-like shape with smooth margins and an alternate arrangement.
In Japan, it blooms from late autumn to the following spring, whereas in warmer regions like Hawaii, it can bloom throughout the year (perennial flowering).
From the branch tips, it produces racemes or panicles of cylindrical, toothbrush-shaped, or spider-like flower clusters measuring 4–15 cm in diameter.
What appears to be flowers are actually sepals, as the plant lacks petals.
The flower (sepal) colors include red, pale yellow, yellow, pink, and white.
Each bract contains both stamens and pistils, and after fertilization, the wire-like pistil style extends outward from the bract, giving the appearance of a clustered flower made of silk threads.
Notable varieties include Robyn Gordon (Grevillea Robyn Gordon), Hagoromo no Matsu, Red Claude, and Pygmy Dancer.
The fruit is a nut-like drupe, and propagation is done through cuttings.
Grevillea is commonly used for garden planting, pot planting, and cut flowers.
Flower Meaning
"I am waiting for you."
Common name: Grevillea , scientific name:Grevillea banksii, origin: Australia - New Caledonia, life: Half Hardy Evergreen high shrubs,Tree height: 20 cm ~ 10 m, leaf shape : needle-shaped and linear, phyllotaxis alternate, margin entire, inflorescence shape: racemes / panicles, inflorescence size: 4-15 cm, flowering time: one year (Hawaii), 11-next April (Japan), flower (calyx color): red, pale yellow, yellow, peach, white, fruit type: nuts, breeding: cuttings, use: garden planted, Potted plants