hyssophyssop ポスト Flower namehyssopScientific namehyssopAliashyssop, ヤナギハッカPlace of originCanada to North AmericaPlace of floweringGardenFlowering seasonJune, July, AugustLanguage of flowersCleaning What is hyssopHyssop, scientific name : HyssopusOrderLamialesFamilyLamiaceaeGenusHyssopusSpeciesType of flowerLeft-right symmetrical flowerArray of flowerSpikelet inflorescencePetal shapeLip shapedLeaf typeoblongEdge of the leafEntireLife typeperennial herbFlower colorsPink BlueColors of the leavesGreenFruit colorHeight50.0 ~ 0.0 cmDiameter of flower0.5 ~ 0.7 cm Random flowersMammillaria carmenaeKikuba kuwagatastarrush whitetopKaji ichigoPampas grassGymnadenia conopsea