AH Brunello

Lilium× elegans ’Brunello’

  • AH Brunello
  • AH Brunello
  • AH Brunello
  • AH Brunello
  • AH Brunello
  • AH Brunello
  • Flower name
    AH Brunello
  • Scientific name
    Lilium× elegans ’Brunello’
  • AliasAsiatic hybrids, アジアンティック・ハイブリッド, AH, ブルネロ
  • Place of originJapan other (cultivars)
  • Place of floweringGarden, Cut flowers, flower arrangement, Horticultural species, Potted flower
  • Flowering seasonJuly, August

What is AH Brunello

AH Brunello (Asiatic Hybrids 'Brunello', scientific name: Lilium x elegans 'Brunello') is an Asiatic Hybrid (AH). It is a Dutch horticultural variety.

100 cm tall, flowering season: mid-season (late July to mid-August), breeding line: Asiatech, flower color: orange, flowering style: single, flower diameter: 18 cm (large flowers), flowering direction: upward, AH hybrid parents: parents unknown, uses: flower arrangement, garden planting.

Origin: AH Brunello" (Asiatic Hybrids 'Brunello',
scientific name: Lilium x elegans 'Brunello'
Classification: Kingdom: Plantae, Angiosperms, Monocots, Order: Liliales, Family: Liliaceae, Genus: Lilium
Life Form: Perennial herb (bulbous plant)
Plant Height: 100 cm
Blooming Period: Mid-season (late July to mid-August)
Hybrid Lineage: Asiatic hybrids
Flower Color: Orange
Flower Type: Single
Flower Diameter: 18 cm (large bloom)
Flower Orientation: Upward-facing
AH Hybrid Parentage: Both parents unknown
Uses: Flower arrangements, garden planting, pot planting

Relationship between Lily Flower Diameter and Size Category
Super Large: 20-25 cm
Large: 15-20 cm
Medium: 10-15 cm
Small: <10 cm
Lily Blooming Period
Overall Period: Mid-June to late September
Very Early: Mid-June to early July
Early: Early July to late July
Early-Mid: Mid-July to early August
Mid: Late July to mid-August
Late: Mid-August to late September
General Name: AH Brunello (Asiatic Hybrids 'Brunello')
Scientific Name: Lilium × elegans 'Brunello'
Origin: Netherlands (Horticultural variety)
Classification: Kingdom: Plantae, Angiosperms, Monocots, Order: Liliales, Family: Liliaceae, Genus: Lilium
Life Form: Perennial herb (bulbous plant)
Plant Height: 100 cm
Blooming Period: Mid-season (July to August)
Hybrid Lineage: Asiatic hybrids
Flower Color: Orange
Flower Type: Single
Flower Diameter: 18 cm (medium bloom)
Flower Orientation: Upward-facing
AH Hybrid Parentage: Both parents unknown
Uses: Flower arrangements, garden planting, pot planting

  • Order
  • Family
  • Genus
  • Species
    L. × elegans 'Brunello'
  • Type of flower
    Radial symmetrical flower
  • Array of flower
    Cephalic inflorescence
  • Petal shape
  • Leaf type
  • Edge of the leaf
  • Life typeMulti-year herbs (bulbs)
  • Flower colorsOrange
  • Colors of the leavesGreen
  • Fruit color
  • Height30.0 ~ 100.0 cm
  • Diameter of flower8.0 ~ 12.0 cm

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