Litsea cubeba
- Flower nameLitsea cubeba
- Scientific nameLitsea cubeba
- Aliasaromatic litsea, may chang
- Place of originJapan, Taiwan, China and Indonesia
- Place of floweringLow mountains
- Flowering seasonFebruary, March
What is Litsea cubeba
Litsea cubeba or Aomoji (scientific name: Litsea cubeba) is native to Japan, Taiwan, China and Indonesia, and it is a deciduous small and tall tree of the famiky Lauraceae. In Japan, it grows in western Kyushu to Okinawa. Leaves are lanceolate and leaves behind powder white. Leaves and twigs have fragrances. Flowers bloom before the leaves develop. In the spring, spread the scattering inflorescence from the axilis and add 5 florets in the whole bract leaf pieces. In the summer, it makes spherical berries.
Common name: Litsea cubeba or Aomoji , Scientific name: Litsea cubeba , also known as aromatic litsea, may chang, Place of origin: Japan, Taiwan, China, Indonesia, distribution Distribution: Western Kyushu to Okinawa, Living type: Deciduous small and tall tree, tree height: 5 to 10 m, young tree bark color: yellowish green, tree bark color: gray brown, leaf height : 7 - 15 cm, leaf quality: thin, leaf shape: lanceolate or elliptical shape, leaf margin: all edges, monofilament, leaf order: alternate, dioecious, inflorescence: scattering inflorescence, flower color: yellow and white Fruit shape: fruit size: 0.5 cm, fruit shape: spherical shape, fruit color: red → black bush color, Fruit season: July - August, use: garden plant, toothpick, fragrance, essential oil, medicinal.