Mitella stylosa "makino"

Mitella stylosa var. makino

  • Mitella stylosa "makino"
  • Mitella stylosa "makino"
  • Mitella stylosa "makino"
  • Mitella stylosa "makino"
  • Flower name
    Mitella stylosa "makino"
  • Scientific name
    Mitella stylosa var. makino
  • Alias四国哨吶草
  • Place of originShikoku and Kumamoto Prefecture , Japanese endemic
  • Place of floweringOrnamental plants
  • Flowering seasonApril, May

What is Mitella stylosa "makino"

Mitella stylosa "makino" or Shikoku sentoso grass (scientific name: Mitella stylosa var. makino) is a Japanese endemic, evergreen perennial herb (lodging plant) in the genus Mitella of the family Saxifragaceae. It grows naturally in wetlands along mountain streams in the deep mountains of Shikoku and Kumamoto Prefecture (Okuma Peninsula).

M.stylosa var. makino is a variety of Mitella stylosa.

The grass is 20-40 cm tall. The leaves are petiolate, heart-shaped, 2-7 cm in diameter, and have 3-5 lobes with shallow margins. The petioles and underside of the leaves are hairy. In April to May, the inflorescence grows in a raceme between the rhizomatous leaves and bears sparse, very small flowers. The flowers are five-petaled, reddish-purple, and pinnate, with the petals lobed like fireworks.
The pattern and shape of the leaves are different, but the small size of the flowers (the shape is not the same) and the herbaceous appearance are similar to those of Polygonum filiforme, although they are in a different family.

Difference between M. stylosa var. makino and M. stylosa

The difference between M. stylosa var. makino and M. stylosa is the shape of the petals. The petals of M. stylosa var. makino are usually not lobed, while those of M. stylosa var. makino are pinnately lobed with four or five lobes, like snow crystals (although red).
Also, compared to other chalmers (Mitella), sepals and petals are green in the other species, while M.stylosa var. makino iand M.stylosa are reddish purple-brown, especially M. stylosa var. makino has a strong reddish color.

Common name: Mitella stylosa "makino" or Shikoku sentoso grass, scientific name: Mitella stylosa var. makino, Origin: Endemic to Japan, Habitat Distribution: Shikoku, Kumamoto Pref, habitat: Wetlands along streams in deep mountains, life form: Evergreen perennial, Height: 20-40 cm, Petiole: Yes, Leaves: Rooted, Leaf shape: Heart-shaped, Leaf diameter: 2-7 cm, Leaf length: 2.5-3.5 cm, Leaf width: 0.5-0.5 cm, Leaf diameter: 2-7 cm, leaf margin: 3-5 shallow lobes, Flowering season: April to May; petiole: 0.5 cm long; inflorescence shape: raceme, Corolla shape: pinnately lobed 5-petaled; petal color: reddish purple; anther color: yellow; fruit type: capsule.

  • Order
  • Family
  • Genus
  • Species
    M. stylosa var. makino
  • Type of flower
    Radial symmetrical flower
  • Array of flower
    Gross inflorescence
  • Petal shape
  • Leaf type
  • Edge of the leaf
  • Life typeevergreen perennial herb
  • Flower colorsRed
  • Colors of the leavesGreen
  • Fruit color
  • Height20.0 ~ 40.0 cm
  • Diameter of flower ~ cm

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