Pinus parviflora
- Flower namePinus parviflora
- Scientific namePinus parviflora
- Alias五葉松, 松の実
- Place of originJapan
- Place of floweringGarden, Bonsai
- Flowering seasonMay
What is Pinus parviflora
Pinus parviflora, Japanese white pine, or Goyo matsu( scientific name: Pinus parviflora) is a coniferous evergreen tree of the pine family (Pinaceae), native to Japan.
The tree grows to a height of 15–20 meters, with grayish-brown bark and a conical shape.
The leaves are green, needle-shaped, 5 cm long, and grow in bundles of five.
It is monoecious and blooms in May. The male flower clusters are about 5 cm in diameter and pink, while the female flower clusters are 0.5 cm in diameter.
The fruit is an ovoid cone measuring 5–7 cm in diameter, and its color changes from green to brown as it matures.
The seeds inside the cone are about 1 cm long and are known as "pine nuts," which are used in cooking and as snacks.
Due to its longevity, heat and cold resistance, and flexibility, it is a popular bonsai tree.
The tree is used for garden planting, potted plants, bonsai, and decorative branches. Its wood is used for construction, and its seeds are edible.
Flower Language
"Longevity", "Eternal Youth", "Ambition".
Common name: Japanese white pine,
scientific name: Pinus parviflora,
Place of origin: Japan,
Life style: conifers, tree height: 15-20 m , bark color: gray-brown tree Cone,
Leaf color: green , leaf blade length: 5 cm, leaf shape: needle-like ,
Male and female , strains male flowers and female with male Flower: pink
Fruit types: prickle fruit shape: oval, fruit diameter: 5 - 7 cm fruit color: green-brown seed length 1 cm.