Potentilla hebiichigo
- Flower namePotentilla hebiichigo
- Scientific namePotentilla hebiichigo
- Alias苺, 蛇苺
- Place of originJapan, Southeast Asia, and India
- Place of floweringField, Potted flower
- Flowering seasonJanuary, February, March, April, May, December
- Language of flowersRespect and love
What is Potentilla hebiichigo
Potentilla hebiichigo, or hebiichigo (scientific name: Potentilla hebiichigo) is a perennial herb of the genusPotentilla (Rosaceae), native to Japan, Southeast Asia, and India. It grows wild in open spaces, fields, and moist forests throughout Japan. The stems crawl on the ground, and the roots emerge from the nodes to multiply. From April to May, a single yellow 5-petaled flower, about 1.5 cm in diameter, blooms from a long flower stalk extending from the leaf axils. After the flower, the saucer enlarges and produces a strawberry-like fruit. The fruit is not poisonous and can be eaten, but it has no taste or fragrance and is not tasty.
Common name: Potentilla hebiichigo ,scientific name: Potentilla hebiichigo, also known as hebiichigo, Origin: Japan, Southeast Asia, India, Vine length: 1 m, Stem: creeping, Leafiness: pale, Leaf color: yellow, leaflets: 3-cm long, leaflet shape: ovate, petiole: long, phyllotaxy: alternate, leaf margin: serrate, flowering season: April - May, flower color: yellow, fruiting season: May - June, fruit type: false fruit, fruit color: red, taste: not delicious.