Shiragami kuwagat

Pseudolysimachion schmidtianum subsp. senanense var. shiragamiens

  • Flower name
    Shiragami kuwagat
  • Scientific name
    Pseudolysimachion schmidtianum subsp. senanense var. shiragamiens
  • AliasVeronica schmidtianum, gypsyweed, 白神鍬形, クワガタ
  • Place of originendemic to the Shirakami Mountain(Japan)
  • Place of floweringSub-alpine, Specific area
  • Flowering seasonApril, May

What is Shiragami kuwagat

Shiragami kuwagata (scientific name: Pseudolysimachion schmidtianum subsp. senanense var. shiragamiense) is a perennial plant endemic to the Shirakami Mountains in the family Pteridophyllaceae. It is a variety of Miyama-kuwagata (scientific name: Pseudolysimachion schmidtianum subsp. senanense). It is rarely seen in rocky areas and meadows in the Shirakami Mountains. The grass is 15-25 cm tall. The leaves are triangular-ovate with regularly serrated edges. 10 to 20 small flowers with dark blue-purple stripes on a light blue-purple background bloom from April to May in a raceme of inflorescences. The flowers are lip-shaped, about 1 cm in diameter, and the corolla has four deep lobes. The flowers bloom from the bottom to the top. The Japanese name "Kuwagata" means "stag beetle," referring to its resemblance to the stag beetle, an insect. The name is derived from the shape of the flower, which has one long pistil protruding from the center of the corolla and two stamens on each side. The genus name Pseudolysimachion is a compound of two Latin words "pseudo" and "Lysimachia," the species name "schmidtianum" is a dedication to the botanist F. Schumidt, and the subspecies name "senanense" is a reference to "the The subspecific name "senanense" is a dedication to the botanist "F. Schumidt", and the subspecific name "senanense" is "of Shinshu", which alone would be the Miyama stag beetle, so the variant name "shiragamiense", "of Shiragami", was added.

Common name: Shiragami kuwagate, scientific name: Pseudolysimachion schmidtianum var. senanense, origin: Japan, Hight : 15-25 cm; leaf shape: triangular-ovate; leaf length: 2-4 cm; leaf: hairless; leaf margin: regularly serrate; inflorescence: opposite; inflorescence: 10-20 flowers in a raceme; flower color: pale blue-purple; corolla: lip-shaped with 4 deep lobes above and below; flowering season: April to May; flower diameter Flowering season: April to May; Flower diameter: 1 cm; Fruit type: capsule.

  • Order
  • Family
  • Genus
  • Species
    P. schmidtianum subsp. senanense var. shiragamiense
  • Type of flower
    Left-right symmetrical flower
  • Array of flower
    Gross inflorescence
  • Petal shape
    Lip shaped
  • Leaf type
  • Edge of the leaf
  • Life typeperennial plant
  • Flower colorsPurple
  • Colors of the leavesGreen
  • Fruit color
  • Height15.0 ~ 20.0 cm
  • Diameter of flower1.0 ~ 1.0 cm

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