Leather fern
- Flower nameLeather fern
- Scientific nameRumohra adiantiformis
- AliasLeather fern, Leather-leaf fer, レザーリーフファーン, シダ, 羊歯
- Place of originSouthern Hemisphere tropical to temperate zone
- Place of floweringCut flowers, flower arrangement, Botanical Gardens, Subtropical region, Potted flower, Ornamental plants
- Flowering season
What is Leather fern
Leather-leaf fer, scientific name:Rumohra adiantiformis , is in the southern hemisphere, including South Africa, Australia and South America tropical-is an evergreen fern of the Rumohra genus , of the Dryopteridaceae department, native to a temperate zone. It is a genus species. With pinnately compound leaves leaves are thick in the cortex shiny there.
Common name: Leather-leaf fer
scientific name: Rumohra adiantiformis,
aka: leather fern, leather-leaf fern, leathery shieldfern, climbing shield fern, leather leaf farm,
Place of origin: South Africa, Australia, South America and other Southern Hemisphere tropical-temperate zone, Habitat, life type: Herb, height: cm, leaf length: 10 ~ 100 cm, leaf width: 25 cm, leaves, pinnately compound leaves, leaf quality: thicker cortex in gloss with, uses: ornamental plants, greenhouses, potted plants, cut leaves, bouquet, flower arrangements