Senecio rowleyanus

Senecio rowleyanus

  • Flower name
    Senecio rowleyanus
  • Scientific name
    Senecio rowleyanus
  • AliasGreen necklace, セネシオ・ロウレイアナ, 緑の鈴, String of beads, グリーンネックレス, string-of-beads senecio
  • Place of originNamibia(Afrca)
  • Place of floweringPotted flower, Ornamental plants
  • Flowering seasonSeptember, October, November, December
  • Language of flowersHealthy growth

What is Senecio rowleyanus

Senecio rowleyanus commonly called suach as String-of-beads senecio (scientific name: Senecio rowleyanus) is an evergreen vine with succulent plants of the family Asteraceae native to South Africa. Plant shape looks like a long necklace holding green peas, made the Globular ones is a leaf. To master the fine thread beads green bell look like they have done. Alias, known as the Green Necklace. Called the string of beads esters, as well. At the end of autumn and winter, from the axil extended stalk about 5 cm of white fluff-only tubular flowers such as flowers bloom one wheel at a time. Simulates the pollen stamens extend from the tubular flower flowers yarn. "Genus" "Senecio" means Latin "senex" (old man) and it depends on the white hair. The species name "rowleyanus" is a contribution to Succulent collector G. D. Rowley. Flower language is "healthy growth". This is due to the growth of the plants to sink in the sunlight. In addition, thread-like parts and liquids are toxic. Ingestion of threads causes mild vomiting and diarrhea. Plastic fluids may stick to the skin and cause a rash.

General name: Senecio rowleyanus, Scientific name:Senecio rowleyanus , aka: String-of-beads senecio, Green Necklace, strings of beads , origin: Namibia (Africa), environment: bright half shade, Living type: evergreen vine with Succulents, stem length: 100 cm, with leaf color: green, leaf shape: spherical tip be slightly on edge, leaves diameter: 1cm, flower color: white, star: tubular flowers only flowering: September-December, breeding methods: cuttings, applications: potted plants and hanging flowers and ornamental plants.

  • Order
  • Family
  • Genus
  • Species
    S. rowleyanus
  • Type of flower
    Radial symmetrical flower
  • Array of flower
    Monopetal inflorescence
  • Petal shape
  • Leaf type
  • Edge of the leaf
  • Life typeevergreen vine with succulent plants
  • Flower colors White
  • Colors of the leavesGreen
  • Fruit colorGreen
  • Height100.0 ~ 100.0 cm
  • Diameter of flower1.5 ~ 1.5 cm

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