Stauntonia obovatifoliola
- Flower nameStauntonia obovatifoliola
- Scientific nameStauntonia obovatifoliola
- Aliasクワアケビ, 郁子, 桑あけび
- Place of originJapan, Taiwan and China
- Place of floweringFields and footpaths
- Flowering seasonApril, May
What is Stauntonia obovatifoliola
Stauntonia , scientific name:Stauntonia obovatifoliola , is a woody evergreen vine of the stauntonia genusnative to Japan ,Taiwan and China. Itgrows from Kanto West to Kyushu in Japan. Petiole resident palmately 3-7 leaflets. Small leaves are green and the leaves are thick and shiny in the cortex, leaf edges are smooth. Reticulate-veined leaves behind is clear. Fragrant flowers without petals, male and female students. April-may stretch the racemes, the outer white inner purple sepals with six goes from small flowers. After the flower consists of green fruit. The purple fruit is ripe in the autumn. Similar akebia and the shape of the fruit, but the skin tears. Seeds in the fruit that is sweet, and the spirit of health and longevity. Trees bonsai and shelves, stems and roots and Oriental crude drug "wild Quince". Because the flesh is less closely seeds not commercial value difficult to eat.Satol Emperor presented the fruit is "justifiably" and was told that is the origin of the name.
Common name: Stauntonia, scientific name:Stauntonia obovatifoliola, synonym:Stauntonia hexaphylla, origin: Japan, China, living type: Woody Evergreen vine, vine length, leaf color: green, leaf: 5 cm, flower size (size of sepals), flower color: the outer white inner, purple, flowering: April-May, fruiting period: in October, fruit color: green-purple,Fruit: 5-6 cm in diameter