Sturt's Desert PeaSwainsona formosa ポスト Flower nameSturt's Desert PeaScientific nameSwainsona formosaAliasSturt's Desert Pea, スワインソナ・フォルモーサ, Swainsona formosa, デザート・ピーPlace of originPlace of floweringCut flowers, flower arrangement, Overseas, Potted flowerFlowering seasonMay, June What is Sturt's Desert PeaSturt's Desert Pea(Swainsona formosa)OrderFabalesFamilyFabaceaeGenusSwainsona formosaSpeciesS. formosaType of flowerLeft-right symmetrical flowerArray of flowerCephalic inflorescencePetal shapeOtherLeaf typePinnate compound leafEdge of the leafEntireLife typeFlower colorsRedColors of the leavesGreenFruit colorHeight100.0 ~ 400.0 cmDiameter of flower4.0 ~ 5.0 cm Random flowersRhododendron decorumDichrostachys cinereaRhapis humilisScots pineKinki-mamezakuraPlatycerium willinckii