Golden spanish daggerYucca aloifolia cv marginata ポスト Flower nameGolden spanish daggerScientific nameYucca aloifolia cv marginataAlias金宝蘭, Golden spanish dagger, dagger plantPlace of originsouthern United StatesPlace of floweringGarden, Botanical Gardens, Potted flower, Ornamental plantsFlowering seasonJuly What is Golden spanish daggerGolden spanish dagger(scientific name: Yucca aloifolia cv marginata) Common name: Golden spanish dagger(scientific name: Yucca aloifolia cv marginata, aka: OrderAsparagalesFamilyAsparagaceaeGenusYuccaSpeciesY. aloifolia cv marginataType of flowerRadial symmetrical flowerArray of flowerCone / Compound inflorescencePetal shapeBell-shapedLeaf typesword-shapedEdge of the leafSpinyLife typeevergreen shrub and succulent plantFlower colorsWhiteColors of the leavesGreenFruit colorBlackHeight400.0 ~ 500.0 cmDiameter of flower7.0 ~ 8.0 cm Random flowersHelianthus tuberosusSyzygium smithiiTamazaki FujibakamaCallicarpa dichotomaCerasus 'Karabashi'Senecio pseudoarnica