Feature: August Brown flowers

Feature: August Brown flowers

Feature: August Brown flowers

Using the Kagiken Flower Encyclopedia database, I counted how many brown flowers bloom in the scorching heat of August. The result was 26 species as of August 25, 2024. Some may appear red, orange, black, white, or yellowish, so please forgive any variations. For those without photos, Yuki@Kagiken has drawn illustrations.

Examples of Brown Flowers Blooming in August
Typha (Cattails), Chiloschista, Potamogeton distinctus, Phragmites australis (Common Reed), Anthurium, etc.

Brown flowers are less noticeable due to their subdued color, and perhaps for this reason, they are less frequently planted, or maybe I've simply overlooked them. Compared to other colors, they are indeed fewer. Therefore, I took statistics by color.

Ranking and Total Number of Flowers by Color in August
According to the Kagiken Flower Encyclopedia database, here are the results of the flower count by color in August. It was found that pink flowers are the most numerous, surpassing white and yellow. Purple flowers have not yet been counted.

Pink: 336 species
White: 318 species
Yellow: 214 species
Orange: 96 species
Blue: 44 species
Green: 41 species
Brown: 26 species

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