Flower Diary "Plants and Trees of Manyoshu Series" ポスト Flowe8r Diary "Plants and Trees of Manyoshu Series"Trifoliate orangeTrifoliate orange, scientific name:Citrus trifoliata , is a deciduous shrub of the genus Citrus, Department of Rutaceaee originates in China. Branches are green and the sharp spines, so long ago was uJapanese red PineThe Japanese Red Pine (scientific name: Pinus densiflora) is an evergreen coniferous tree of the Pinaceae family and genus Pinus, native to Japan, Korea, and China. It is also known by other names, suUmeUme or Japanese apricot , scientific name: Prunus mume , is deciduous small tree of the department Rosaceae Prunus genus native to China. Before the open leaf shoots in early spring, fragrant flower bBarleyFirst of all, "wheat" of the theme song "Mugi no Uta" (Song of wheat, Miyuki Nakajima, composition and songs) of NHK morning continuous TV novel "Massan" is "barley", and this " Massan "is the founderAsebiMarch 9th Birth Flower: "Asebi" Asebi (Pieris japonica subsp. japonica) is a cold-hardy, evergreen shrub native to Japan and belongs to the Ericaceae (heath) family. It is also called "Ashibi," "AsebQuercus myrsinaefoliaQuercus myrsinaefolia, Japanese white oak, bamboo-leafedoak, or Chinese ring-cupped oak (Scientific namae: Quercus myrsinaefolia) is an evergreen broad-leaved tree in the family Fagaceae native to ChiPlatycladus orientalisPlatycladus (scientific name:Platycladus orientalis) is of genus platycladus, Department of koikeanum Evergreen coniferous vegetation. Spring, Monoecious with Unisexual flowers bloom a sober florets. Dog tooth violetDogtooth violet, scientific name: Erythronium japonicum, native to Japan and is a hardy bulbous plant of the erythronium genus , the liliaceae department. Spring lilac to deep purple 6 valve flowers bIllicium anisatumIllicium anisatum or called Japanese star anise (scientific name: Ilicium anisatum) is an evergreen small tall tree of the family Schisandraceae. In spring, the small, translucent, pale yellow, elonga Plum treePlum tree , scientific name: Prunus salicina , is a deciduous broad-leaved trees and its fruit of the genus Prunus of the family Rosaceae native to China. It was introduced to Japan during the Nara peCamellia japonicaCamellia japonica or Yabu-tsubaki (scientific name: Camellia japonica L.) is an evergreen tall tree of the family Theaceae. Simply speaking of camellia, it refers to this species. The original speciesrose-gold pussy willowRose-gold pussy willow , or Neko yanagi (scientific name: Salix gracilistyla) are native to China and Japan and are deciduous shrubs of the willow genus. It is a kind of willow like the waterside. It Hinoki cypressHinoki cypress (Scientific name: Chamaecyparis obtusa) is an evergreen conifer tall tree native to Japan and Taiwan. There is a white Y-shaped pore made of wax on the leaf. The leaves have a bactericiPeachPeach ( Scientific Name: Amygdalus persica, Synonym: Amygdalus persica) is a deciduous fruit tree of the Rosaceae family and the Amygdalus genus, originally from China. In English, it is called Peach.Gold osmanthusIn Japan, representatives of fragrant flowers are Spring Daphne(scientific name:Daphne odora), summer Gardenia (scientific name: Gardenia jasminoides), and Autumn Osmanthus aurantiacus (Kinmokusei, sc Japanese water iris Japanese water iris (Latin name: Iris ensata var. spontanea) is a species of perennial plant of Iris Iris 'IRIS'. Red purple ground petals at the base (outside perianth) to enter the yellow markings.Mondo GrassMondo Grass, scientific name:Ophiopogon japonicus, is a tolerant to shade evergreen perennial lant of the Asparagaceae Department , of the Ophiopogon genus native to China and Japan. Horticultural spPennisetum alopecuroidesPennisetum alopecuroides or chikarashiba (scientific name:Pennisetum alopecuroides) is a perennial weed native to East and Southeast Asia. It grows in clumps along roadsides and in fields throughout JSinomenium acutumSinomenium acutum or Tsuzurafuji (scientific name: Sinomenium acutum) is native to Japan, Taiwan and China, and is a deciduous vine of the family Menispermaceae. It grows naturally in the forest edge KakureminoKakuremino (Scientific name: Dendropanax trifidus) is an evergreen tall tree of the family Araliaceae native to Japan. During the rainy season - summer, yellowish green florets will bloom. After the fSticky MilletSticky Millet or Panicum miliaceum(scientific name: Panicum miliaceum) is an annual herb and minor grain in the family Poaceae and genus Panicum, native to China and other temperate regions of East anNoriNori or Laver (scientific name: Neopyropia yezoensis←synonym:Porphyra tenera) is a red algae seaweed native to the coast of Japan. It is also used as a generic name for edible algae. It is also known Yama-momijiYama-momiji or Japanese Maple(Scientific name: Acer palmatum var.matsumurae) is a deciduous broad-leaved small shrub that is native to Japan and is a variant of the maple genus "Acer palmatum" (scient Other FeaturesSpiraeaThe scientific name of the genus "Spiraea" means "spiral" in Latin. The spiral is related to the spiral shape of the leaves on the branches, which are arranged in a spiral so that they do not overlap.Feature: August purpleflowersFeature: August purpleflowers Purple Flowers Blooming in August There are a total of 262 species of purple flowers that bloom in August (as of August 28, 2024). According to the color-based statisHypericumHypericum-Hypericum patulum, Great St. Johnswort, Hidcote, Hypericum monogynum, Hypericum erectum, Chinense St.John's wort, Hypericum tosaense, Hypericum androsaemum 'Mystic Flare'Botanic Garden of Toyama Flowers at Botanic Garden of Toyama Plants in bloom in the greenhouse on April 30, 2023. There are the Pachypodium brevicaule), Amorphophallus paeoniifolius, Rafflesia arnoldii, Sida fallax,Cool flowerCool flowerInsectivorous Plants ListInsectivorous Plants List Insectivorous plants are plants that capture insects and produce digestive juices that dissolve the insects and grow as nutrients. They include the following Nepenthes ra